Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What is a stride anyway?

It's only our second week of our official school year and I have already decided to switch up what we're doing each day. Fortunately, I am not changing curriculum -- but that is never off the table either. I am however taking a look at our family dynamic, demands on our day, activities, likes/dislikes and so on when making changes. Just because something looks good on paper doesn't mean it will function well in practice!  For instance, on paper I would function quite well with a bigger house and a full-time maid but in reality, there is a small problem with finances. Oh well, I can at least put it on paper!

This past week, many of my homeschool friends were commenting on their Facebook pages and in various groups about successes, triumphs, firsts, complaints, questions, and the like with their first week of school. One major demotivator for the majority of them was that they hadn't found their stride. They were feeling overwhelmed and unprepared. In essence, they weren't feeling this homeschool thing. I am  sure most just wanted to vent and look for some words of encouragement but I am thinking that a few of them were re-thinking the whole homeschool concept.

I remember feeling that way especially last year since it was our first year. I know I looked around and everyone else seemed to have it together and with much deeper curriculum and activities for their kiddos. I considered many times throwing in the towel because I was sure that I was doing G more harm than good. I had a good network of support from veteran homeschool moms that I would often lament to. They in turn would offer words of encouragement and assure me that what I was feeling was normal and that they too had experienced (and still did from time to time) many of things I complained about.

My take away from my first year was that G was learning everyday in all that we did so it really didn't matter if we didn't finish all of our science or make it to the cool field trip or complete every task laid out for me in my leader guide.  I don't need that kind of stress and neither do you. In time, you will find your stride and if you don't, oh well -- it won't be on the year end evaluation!

One of the many benefits of homeschooling is the freedom to totally tweak your homeschool activities, day and even curriculum to fit your family like a glove. This is not to say that the glove will always fit because as you family goes through life, the glove may loose it shape, get too small, or just not work anymore. The beauty is that you have an unlimited supply of gloves and it just takes a LOT of trial and error to find one that fits. (just like a good pair of shoes or in my case a comfy set of PJs).

Blessings on your journey!!

1 comment:

  1. Liked this message very much! I wanna bookmark it for "those" days;)
