Sunday, December 23, 2012

Vacation time

One of the blessings of being a homeschool family is FLEXIBILITY!! Hubby has a job that allows him to work from home except for the occasional trip out of town for a project,thus we spend a lot of time together. Many times, my planned days get mixed up a little with unplanned "field trips" or opportunities for non-scripted life lessons. Who can't benefit from that?

In any event, we planned to visit hubby's family for an extended stay for the Christmas holidays.  In order to allow us to be truly on vacation and no stress to any of us, G and I agreed to have all of our school work completed by the end of the first week of December!  That cleared up our schedule to have time to do last minute things to prepare for our trip, as well get any shopping and packing done without the stress of marking items off on my lesson plans.

I can't tell you how freeing that has been for me, just to let it go. Fortunately, for me G likes to go on the web and play on Also, we brought along our George Muller book to continue reading through the missionary journey portion of our studies. Bible study is still among his favorites. So, for us that is about as much "official/unofficial"school work we have done. But, I can still see G learning!  He is enjoying his time with Grandma and Grandpa, Aunts and Uncles, Cousins and others that stop by. He grows just by learning more about his family and being with those that we don't get to see on a regular basis. 

The saying goes that "it takes a village to raise a child." It is amazing how much wisdom can be imparted on our children just by talking with them and interacting with others. I love watching G engage with family and play in the snow and all the things we don't necessarily have constant access to at home. Memories and the time we are spending as a family have been more valuable in my opinion than all the school work in the world. 

Loving our vacation! Loving our family! Loving the way we learn! Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 3, 2012

I learn too!

The holidays are among us and in our house is IN FULL SWING! What does that mean for homeschool!?? It means the lessons become "real life" lessons in which we incorporate everyday life in every thing we do. It's learn on the go and make it up as we go along. How many boxes of cookies to do we need to make up a cookie tray? How many people will be at the party thus how much punch do we need to make? How many gifts can we get for this much money? And so on and so on!

To top it off, G is in the middle of a busy First Lego League season which has taken up a lot of his time but also been full of lessons in logic, analytics, cause and effect, team work, programming, trial and error,  and other life lessons one cannot glean from a book. I have watched my kiddo mature and grow in more ways than I honestly gave him credit for in such a short time. There is nothing like letting him leap and watching him soar when I only thought he was capable of a short flight with training wings.  This type of learning can't come from a book.  I must say that from my vantage point, he continues to amaze me and remind me everyday what a great decision bringing him home has been.

I guess that his venture into this foray has prepared me for this busy holiday season. I am more trusting that he is actually learning quality lessons, albeit from what society has defined as non-conventional. G has learned far more in the past 4 months than I feel he could have learned in 9 months in a school room setting. I have seen him blossom and step outside his comfort zone. Homeschooling is definitely a blessing for our family. I have grown and my little man has shattered my preconceived notions of what he is capable of and made me one proud momma!  So, bring on the holidays and let the lessons continue!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Making it up as I go along....

I must admit that my kiddo has been pretty good about school lately and we have had the opportunity to pepper in some field trips to keep things interesting (and to get us out of the house). The problem lately is that my enthusiasm that I was so infused with in August has waned considerably. I have found myself not really wanting to "do" school but yet want to mark off the many non-homeschool items I have relegated to my "to do someday" list.

I find myself being more lax in what we cover and giving the literal shoulder shrug along with "eh" if we don't get to everything on my lesson plan. To compensate, I make sure my plans are made in pencil that way I can move the item to another day or erase it as if it never existed! Oh the little things that make me happy!

I really do like My Father's World as our curriculum choice and I like the latitude of being able to pick and choose from the core what I want to cover and when.  Shhhhhh! Don't tell anyone but, sometimes their prescribed one week lesson plan has taken G and me 2 weeks!!  You know what??? It's okay!! The ground didn't open up and swallow me whole and no one knocked at my door to chastise me for not completing the map game assignment.

Now this latent attitude has not affected any work that G can do on his own, such as his spelling, reading and math. It is just the areas in which I need to be very involved. But guess what, he is moving forward in math and even doing extra lessons because his old mom's lazy attitude with stretching stuff out has freed up his time. I won't argue with progress!!

The library is helping too as on those days that I feel "eh" -- I pull out a topical book related to the study on my lesson plan and we read that together. On those days, I am in "to-do list" mode, topical DVDs are great too!!  I am finding that when we do get to the actual lesson plan, we have already covered most of it and no one is any the wiser that I took a different direction.

The subsequent result is one of the many benefits of homeschooling. We get to make it up as we go along and we learn all the way down our rabbit trail!!  As for me and my house, we wouldn't have it any other way!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

So, how are we doing?

Our local school district just completed the 1st 9 weeks of school and report cards are going home very soon. So I thought I would take a moment to assess our progress here at our own little school. Not so much from a grade perspective but more from of a 'what's working and what's not view'. This is also a good time for me to assess what is missing and what can be shelved. So here goes!!

Our adventure has been pretty non-eventful since my last post. Let me say that I am very thankful for that fact!! It was a rough start to the year and we still have our tough patches but overall, it's flowing pretty well.

In August, I was pretty ambitious with all the things I wanted to accomplish this year. I quickly realized that G and I would need to make some changes pretty early on and put some things on the back burner if we were to survive our second year of homeschooling together. Now, that the proverbial groove is in place, I am planning to add the additional items back to our schedule. Having said that, a quick look at my calendar warns me not to try and add it back until after the Christmas break. AAAAGGGGHHH!! 

Here are our curriculum choices this year:
  • Geography/Science/Bible: My Father's World -- Exploring Countries and Cultures 
  • Math - Teaching Textbooks
  • Grammar - Shurley English
  • Spelling - Soaring with Spelling (could have used the spelling component in MFW but G seems to respond to something off topic - plus it is helping him with his reading/sight words)
  • Extras: Computer Programming, Robotics, Lego Simple Machines (all these are classes he takes outside the home weekly), Speech/Reading therapy (which we stopped Oct 1) , Awana,
  • Bible study: in addition to MFW -- Awana and weekly Bible memorization for Sunday school
  • Field trips: We do a couple of trips per month but always move the above work around to make up for the missed day. I find these to be beneficial to both of us and Hubs has even been able to attend a few.

ON hold: (things he asked to learn and we started, but.....) I found both of these to be very stressful on both of us. Not the curriculum itself, just how the components fit into our daily structure. 
  • Spanish - Rosetta Stone. We found he needed to me sit with him and really help with the pronunciation portion to get it pronounced correctly so the computer would allow him to go on. He also became frustrated that he couldn't do it alone!
  • Cursive handwriting: Handwriting without Tears -- This seemed to frustrate him more than anything as he is not a worksheet/sit down and write a lot kiddo. So, for handwriting (not cursive), I just look at the writing he does with his above work.  
I honestly think that we had so many new things this year that the "on hold" stuff really pushed us on our daily work load. As I look at this too, I realize that we really need to do more "art" stuff. Yes, there is a component in MFW ,but to be honest that too has been put on the back burner. For one thing, G is not your typical kid that likes to color. Never has been, don't think he will be. He is more of a put it together and see how it works kid.  A lot of the problem is due to the fact that I forget to get the needed materials. That may not be an issue so much with the curriculum or the kid but solely points at Yours Truly. Oopsy!! Thinking that we may add an art class that meets weekly or monthly at the beginning of the year. That would solve the lack of preparation problem on my end!!

G would also like to do music. He has never done music other than the weekly visit he had in public school years ago. He thinks he would like to play guitar. To be honest, Hubs and I considered signing him up but then G signed up for FLL Robotics league and that takes a lot of time. The time commitment is very intense, at least in the fall and then it is over early Jan/Feb. We didn't want to add another item to his (or our) schedule that would require daily practice. Plus, FLL is helping him with so many life skills, such as teamwork, how to do research, how to make a presentation, how to formulate ideas and carry them out to a finished product and so much more!! So, at this time I think the trade off is worth it.

As I read back through my post, it think what I hear myself saying is that we may shake it up a little in  January.  But, I also think that since we have established our routine, there are easy ways to put in a few things here and there into our day. After all, the things we want to incorporate are not super structured with a daily requirement. Love that!!  Plus, I see that we may be trading in our Robot for a guitar and/or some modeling clay. Oh well, my car is already programmed to hit the road almost daily with my unsocialized homeschooler!! What is another day and another group dynamic to introduce my kiddo too?? Such is the life of a homeschool family! I wouldn't have it any other way! 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Finding Me

Okay! Okay!! I've been a bit of a slacker with this blogging thing. It is kind of a "thing" with me. I start blogs, am really gung-ho and then I slowly delegate them to the back burner of my very busy life. I guess in reality, I do that for most things that I enjoy. As a matter of fact, I really enjoy writing -- be it a blog or in a journal or articles or what ever, but I just don't make the time. Notice I didn't say, I don't have the time because in reality, I could carve out just a little more time for the things I enjoy. But honestly, do most moms do that? Or most parents for that matter?

Homeschooling my kiddo is great but it has cut into my "me" time. Back when he atended school, I had so much more time to get the normal day to day stuff done but sneak in some quality time with my friends or the occasional lunch date with hubby and if I timed it right, I could catch an early movie all before car line.

But I knew that going into all of this. I am not upset or disappointed. I just need to be a better time manager. For instance, the time I spend on Facebook may be better spent writing in my journal or making calls to my friends just to catch up on life.  On those rare evenings when hubby is not traveling, we could have a make shift date night after G goes to bed just to reconnect. There are some subtle changes that I could make. I just need to evaluate how I currently spend my time and look for ways to eek out a little more time here and there.

I feel, connecting with other people is key but not more important than connecting with myself. What I mean by that is not to allow homeschooling, mothering, housekeeping, etc make me lose "who I am." I can't lose my identity as an individual just because I spend a lot of time with my kiddo.

I am in awe of homeschooling moms who write books, participate in art shows, tackle marathons, run businesses, and so on. The next time I catch myself standing slack jawed as these ladies walk by, I am going to remind myself that we all have the same 24 hours in a day. We all have children, or my case just one child, that we are educating at home. We are all at different seasons in life. And let's face it, they get it all done with a little help from somewhere.

That help may come in the form of a spouse or a friend or grandparents or paid classes or very independent learners. Whatever the case, nothing is impossible if I just put my mind too it. 

 Now the "great American novel" will have to wait as it is very far down my "bucket" list. I would however settle for updating my blogs and doing something that reminds me of "me." That would make this homeschooling mama very happy!! You know what they say, "if Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy." (pardon the grammar and word choice -- I didn't write it -- just quoted it.) I think that's a win-win for everyone! I am sure that G would agree.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

In need of an intervention

Somebody needs to stop me!! G has asked for a birthday party this year!! As a little back story, G has asked for something simple the last 2 years. So, we have had a sleepover with a couple of friends, gone to the movies and McDonald's those years!!! Very low key and it's driving me crazy!!

I am a party planner at heart but I think I ruined him early on. Growing up, we didn't have a lot of money and my mom didn't have a lot of time so elaborate birthday parties were not an option! But I do remember my 13th birthday party sleepover with great fondness. I digress!!

Anyway, G's history of birthday parties started with his first birthday party -- complete with Clifford the Big Red Dog theming all the way down to his clothes and 50 of his closest friends and family. His 2nd birthday, not so much an affair but I did find a cute pattern on a napkin and had a cake crafted to match. It was a small affair with just his cousins!  His 3rd birthday was a Pump-It-Up blow out with all his pre-school friends! His 4th Birthday was a pirate party in which costumes were the rage!! Hubby even dressed up as Captain Jack Sparrow. We had lots of party games including cannon ball toss and wow what a cake crafted by my friend Scarlett. Check out the link to her gallery and G's cake is near the bottom!  The 5th birthday party was a Super Hero bonanza with all his friends in their Super Hero finest!! I made the cake this time!! (I was taking cake decorating at the time). His 6th and final birthday was at a mini-golf experience. Not sure it was a  great idea to give a bunch of 5 and 6 years old clubs and cake!! Oh well!!

So, 2 years of birthday hiatus and I am trying to contain myself. But, I am so excited!! I told myself that by planning at the bowling alley that would make it easy and leave very little for me to do!! HAHA!
Scarlett has been commissioned to make a masterpiece. I have found lots of cool ideas on the web for decorations and favors!! Good thing the bowling alley limits what I can and can't do or I am afraid of what I might do. LOL

Anyway, I am going to force myself away from the computer and stop short of a Lego themed bowling shirts for guests!! AAAHHHHHH-- what a great idea!! No, stop!! That's a little overboard --- or is it???

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Yes! This is how we learn!

I am happy to report our life has been relatively quiet and non-eventful, meaning our homeschool process is going well. We've gone on a couple of field trips, tweaked our schedule and accommodated last minute changes. My stress level with the kiddo has decreased but I think that has more to do with my expectations. Many times throughout the day, I remind myself that there is no 'right' or 'wrong' way to teach my kiddo. Furthermore, as long as he is exposed to knowledge, albeit non-traditional at times, he is learning.

I was talking with a friend who shared that her mother-in-law was concerned that her children weren't learning anything by being homeschooled. Later at dinner with several extended family members including the 'concerned' mil, one of the 'uneducated' children was able to enlighten a family member of the merits of the Mona Lisa complete with information about Leonardo DaVinci. That's pretty impressive for a 4th grader. With smug satisfaction my friend was able to give her mother-in-law a knowing smile to say 'case closed'!! Her kids may not seem to be learning 'traditional' classroom elements everyday but are learning those skills in other ways!! All in all, the kids are growing and learning. 

Just as there are different parenting styles, coping styles, learning styles, and so on. There are different teaching styles -- traditional, Charlotte Mason, unschooling, classroom, experience driven and many many more. The great thing about it is that there is nothing wrong with any of them as long as our kiddos grow! 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sleeping in

This morning our routine was thrown out simply because I flipped off a little switch. Since Hubs made his suggestions last week to motivate G, I have been setting my alarm for 730am. For those non-homeschool families -- I know that is sleeping in!!--  But to those of us who have slightly older children and the dubious honor of schooling at home, we're on 'homeschool time.'

Anyway, I went to bed early the night before like I had hoped only to have a little visitor climb into the empty spot next me that is normally filled by Hubs. As Hubs is out of town, G said he was just there to keep me company. In any event, we slept well through the night until around 4am when a nice little tree frog started a moonlight serenade. It was cute at first but then it just became annoying. I had visions of locating said nuisance and conducting my very own science experiment.

G on the other hand, woke momentarily to inquire about the sound but then promptly dozed back off to meet the Sandman and continue their adventures. Me, however was wide awake because of  the nauseating sounds of Mr Tree Frog looking for love and by my estimates -- in all the wrong places! Since I was awake I figured it was a good of a time a time as any to take care of some things I had been putting off.  You know -- mark some things off my lists!! -- AAAAHHHHHHH!!!

So, I logged onto my PC and updated a few blog posts, researched some stuff for work and sent off needed emails. All this by 6am, at which time Mr. Armor had gone to sleep or crept off into the bushes as he may have felt my ire from the other side of the wall.  I made a decision on my way back to bed to flip off the alarm and just wake up on my own, or whenever G got me -- whichever came first.

Ironically, I still woke before G and it was 830am. Glorious Sleep - 830am!! I hadn't slept the day away but we were 1 hour behind schedule for school.  Oh well, figured I was this late so I woke G and we snuggled and giggled about our day. We did get out of bed around 845am and proceeded to start our normal routine.

G had speech at 1030am and I am proud to say that he got a lot done in the 1 hour before we had to leave!! Wednesdays are turning out to not be as stressful as they were in the first couple of weeks. I have tweaked our schedule to be a little lighter on Monday and Wednesday due to commitments. But Tuesday and Thursday are pretty heavy with Friday being the make-up, FUN day in which we do the extras and stuff we just didn't get to during the week.

I am glad I took a little extra time to sleep in this morning. It's really better for everyone because I get a little sleep deprived when Hubs is out of town so I needed it and the 'Grouchy Picker' didn't have to visit our house. (More on the 'Grouchy Picker' in another post down the road.)

But spending a little extra time in my PJs cuddled up in my comfy bed was just what I needed.  I make a better mommy and teacher when I am not sleep-deprived!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My little compulsion!

Scheduling and me!! Hmmmm!! What to say? What to say? First, I abhor having to schedule anything including doctor's appointments. I like to go when I want to go and do what I want to do when I want to do it....However, that doesn't work in the real world. During my years in school, I did in fact learn that the world, contrary to my personal inclination, does not revolve around me.

Contrastingly, I do love and NEED to make lists!! I have lists for lists. I am so compulsive about lists that I will complete a task and realize it wasn't on a list. At that moment, I then write it on the list just so I can have the satisfaction of marking it off. Yep-- that's me!! A little compulsive about the weird stuff!

Anyway, as this week as gotten underway I realized why I was glad that we are homeschooling. Lots of extras and issues with my schedule have popped up requiring me to alter the lesson plans I had for this week. As I was marking items off my list today and placing check marks next to what we have been able to accomplish on my lesson plans, I reminded myself that there is no right or wrong time to get this school work done. After all, aren't we doing school by just doing life???

So, on paper hubby's last minute business trip looks like it caused all kinds of issues with my plans but in reality, nothing more than a wrinkle. That's the good thing about making my plans in pencil and only making them one week in advance. I can change on a dime and move stuff, delete stuff and even add stuff on a whim.

My system seems to feed my schedule-phobia!! I like the ability to decide what works and what doesn't. I like that I can decide what will and won't be done and if it doesn't get done, it's not the end of the world. At the end of the day, I can feel good about marking "home school" off my to-do list no matter what actual work we completed!!

That being said, now it's time for a nice hot bath, pjs, fluffy socks and cuddle time with my star pupil!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Don't Pinch Me!!!

Let me just say that after venting all over yesterday's post, boo-hoo'ing with Hubby last night and all the words of encouragement I received from many of you - I feel soooooo much better.

Hubby help me put things into perspective and told me I had his support no matter what avenue I choose in regards to educating G! That being said, he shared with me tactics that may motivate G a little more. Normally, I would be offended that he stepped in and tried to "fix" things but seeing as how G and Hubs have the same learning style, I figured I should listen.  Hubs went on to tell me that G needed more structure than I am giving him.  He suggested that we give up our standard school uniform and get dressed and make school more "official." He said that structure would be able to let G differentiate between play and school. At times, it is okay to smudge the lines in between the two but for now, we have to get a pattern established with the basics.

He also suggested that I give G a time limit for his activities and when the time is up, explain that the work must be done tomorrow or on his own time. Bottom line, all work needs to be completed before any play time the next day. Since we like to do a 4 day school week, any carry-over work would need to be completed on Friday and so on.

Motivation- Motivation- Motivation was his mantra!! G loves words of encouragement but he needs a bigger carrot to chase. Thus, now his school work and behavior will be tied to his screen time on the computer, video games and/or TV. We want him to understand these things are privileges and not "rights." No kid ever died from no TV, video games or computer! A good day = time and bad day = no time for a number of days!

Hubs handed down the new rules this morning in a very gentle way to G. I must say that the day was MUCH BETTER!!!  G had a speech appointment at 1030am but he was able to get half of his work completed before he left! While he was at Speech, he met all his goals and then some!! He said to me as we were walking to the car that he really liked today because "I am applying myself."  Once we got home, he ate lunch and we were able to finish the last part of our school work!

I could pinch myself but I am afraid I might wake up -- but he didn't whine or complain about his work today. When we were done, he told me that he liked it better that he just got it done instead of wasting time.  Cue the chorus of angels!!!

As an aside, the resident Principal did park himself and his laptop near our school area before we left for speech in order to observe! I am thinking this may have contributed some but I am really giving all the credit for G for putting forth his best effort!

Thanks for the prayers!! Thanks for allowing me to vent!!
I am little sad about the no PJ day but oh well - it's a small price to pay for the Big Smile on my face today!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Seriously - Rough Week!!!

To be honest, our 4th week of school is underway and I have caught myself looking longingly out the window when I hear the school bus pull up at the corner of the street. That is my attitude this week. I have been reflecting on my whole decision to homeschool along with trying to decide if I am doing G more harm than good.

It's been a hard week (yes, it's only Tuesday night). G seems to push back or balk at everything I ask him to do (even the stuff he likes to do). I feel like I am spinning my wheels and I feel extremely frustrated. Not helping the cause is when I catch myself looking at the photos and status updates on Facebook posted by those happy-go-lucky mommies with kids in school that are going to Bible studies, having breakfast/lunch with friends and getting a much coveted pedi-cure.

Hubby (aka the Principal) happened to overhear one of the school interactions between G and me yesterday.  Hubs waited to talk with me later in day and he commented that he could tell I was frustrated with G. I told him that I was just overwhelmed and didn't know how to handle all the push back and whining about school work.  This very day, "Principal" happened to be in the school room (aka dining room table) and he saw how G was acting. He looked at me and all I said was, "now you know why I am frustrated."

Honestly, I am feeling overwhelmed and frustrated with the entire process. G spent two years in public school and I am sorely tempted to take him back, except for the fact that I don't think he would benefit from the experience. I fear he would be labeled, spend too much time in the office and/or fall behind because of his lack of motivation.

I began to reflect tonight while I was in the shower. I thought about how G acts in general even when school isn't involved. I realized that the last couple of months (even before school work began) he has been pushing back on everything. The push back has been even more severe when he doesn't get his way.

I reminded myself that I am a person who loves learning and reading that is trying to teach a kid that could care less about anything not related to video games, computers, Star Wars or swimming. I have talked with several other people lately who have commented that they too have children who feel that they "know it all"and no longer need anyone else to give them direction or explanations. These kiddos are not teens -- they are between 8 and 10 years old. So, maybe it's a phase!! LORD- I hope so.

Hubs and I have decided to take away the things that are dearest to G when the push back and attitude rear their ugly heads. We feel that we must stop the behavior by acting now. By my giving up on homeschooling, it gives him too much power. Besides, I brought my son home to have more influence on him and to have more time as a family.

To date, G has no TV or electronics for the next 2 days.  The benefit has began already because as a result he and the Principal have been reading books to each other since dinner.  So, he is learning and reading after all!! Plus, Hubs is in the mix and helping take some of the pressure off me.

I have learned that I need to evaluate our entire dynamic and not just focus on the school portion. By stepping back and looking at our family, I was able to see that it wasn't just the school work, it's the attitude and strong will of a very normal 8 year old boy.  I also learned that I need to ask for help from Hubs and not let myself get so frustrated and get to the point where I start letting those voices of self-doubt get a foot hold in my head.

It's been a rough week and I am hoping it gets better. I am praying G and I can meet on better terms in the morning. I pray that my heart and attitude are guarded against negativity. I also pray that G will be motivated to do as we ask without push back and that he is blessed by our time together.

I may need to go out for some "me" time and pick up some new PJs!!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Week 2 complete

We have completed our second week of homeschooling and it was much better than the first. G's major disappointment was on Monday morning when we started our school work while the traditional kiddos had the day off due to the possible hurricane/tropical storm that was projected to hit out area. I must first explain before going any further that the storm went far west of the state and we really only had some rain off and on during the day. Nothing major and if anything it was a day off for play for traditional school kiddos. I explained to G that these children would indeed have to make their work up. There was no point in us taking a day off when we didn't have too. He is much happier with that decision now that Friday is here and he is out running errands with his dad!

That brings me to Labor Day and a non-school/work day for many. I am personally planning to do just a little school work -- mostly just reading. Overall we will take the day off but much to G's chagrin, we will be making up the work during the week and more than likely, next Friday will not be a free day!

I keep trying to get him to understand that we are doing our work so that we can take off and do other things during the year -- like field trips, go visit family, take beach days, Disney days, Busch Gardens days, play days, just-because days. I don't want us not to do school just because no one else is doing it. I would rather save up those times for those days we really don't want to do it. Plus, I am trying to get some type of routine started and with this being our 2nd week, I don't think the routine is established.

As he is 8 years old and assures me is a big boy now, I have shown him the books and talked excitedly about all we're planning to cover this year. For example, he loves elephants. Our study this year is about the different countries and cultures around the world. I purposely pulled out some info to show him that we would studying regarding elephants when we got to the Africa sections. This excited him. But then I flipped through all the stuff we needed to do before then. As we flipped through, I could see his eyes lighting up and he was pointing at different things. I think he finally understands. But, as we all know that in the moment we all understand but putting it into practice and feeling that excitement all the time is another story.

At least now, he has the proverbial 'carrot' he is chasing to get to the next section. I have talked up our starting North America next week and he is really looking forward to some of the activities it has planned for us. That is half the battle -- getting him to buy-in to what we're doing. In any event, he is learning. I am learning. And, it's all being done in our PJs!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What is a stride anyway?

It's only our second week of our official school year and I have already decided to switch up what we're doing each day. Fortunately, I am not changing curriculum -- but that is never off the table either. I am however taking a look at our family dynamic, demands on our day, activities, likes/dislikes and so on when making changes. Just because something looks good on paper doesn't mean it will function well in practice!  For instance, on paper I would function quite well with a bigger house and a full-time maid but in reality, there is a small problem with finances. Oh well, I can at least put it on paper!

This past week, many of my homeschool friends were commenting on their Facebook pages and in various groups about successes, triumphs, firsts, complaints, questions, and the like with their first week of school. One major demotivator for the majority of them was that they hadn't found their stride. They were feeling overwhelmed and unprepared. In essence, they weren't feeling this homeschool thing. I am  sure most just wanted to vent and look for some words of encouragement but I am thinking that a few of them were re-thinking the whole homeschool concept.

I remember feeling that way especially last year since it was our first year. I know I looked around and everyone else seemed to have it together and with much deeper curriculum and activities for their kiddos. I considered many times throwing in the towel because I was sure that I was doing G more harm than good. I had a good network of support from veteran homeschool moms that I would often lament to. They in turn would offer words of encouragement and assure me that what I was feeling was normal and that they too had experienced (and still did from time to time) many of things I complained about.

My take away from my first year was that G was learning everyday in all that we did so it really didn't matter if we didn't finish all of our science or make it to the cool field trip or complete every task laid out for me in my leader guide.  I don't need that kind of stress and neither do you. In time, you will find your stride and if you don't, oh well -- it won't be on the year end evaluation!

One of the many benefits of homeschooling is the freedom to totally tweak your homeschool activities, day and even curriculum to fit your family like a glove. This is not to say that the glove will always fit because as you family goes through life, the glove may loose it shape, get too small, or just not work anymore. The beauty is that you have an unlimited supply of gloves and it just takes a LOT of trial and error to find one that fits. (just like a good pair of shoes or in my case a comfy set of PJs).

Blessings on your journey!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Our First Week -- Ups and Downs!!


We made it through our first week of homeschool. I must say that both G and I are very rusty in this whole focus-thing that is required to at least get started with actually doing something not related to the pool or beach.

I will admit, the first day was rough and there were facets of my personality I was none too proud of on that day. There were threats of bodily harm, attending public school again and me moving to a deserted island ALONE!  Whew!! But, G and I made it and agreed before the day was up that we needed to change some things soon as our process was going south real fast!! We stopped, prayed and regrouped.

Tuesday was our second day of school and it went much better. I made some adjustments to our schedule so that we weren't trying to do so much in one day. I allowed G to make some more decisions in regards to the order of what he wanted to study. Also, I encouraged him to share what kind of activities or ideas he had for how to make this more appealing to him. He shrugged and admited he likes what we are studying.  It is just the "having to do it" that bugs him. Okay -- he gets that honest!! I have always been notorious for not wanting to do what I was "required to do." For instance, back in high school, if I was assigned to read a particular book -- I HATED IT and dragged my feet to get it done. Whereas, if I had picked it up on my own, I would have gladly consumed it and even asked for seconds. I am hoping to engage him more and use his ideas for how we approach our study.

Wednesday was our third day and it went really well! I don't even think I raised my voice and he barely rolled his eyes! We are making progress!! Honestly, it was a better day because we just stuck with what was working and I took out the extra stuff I was trying to add. I decided (and discussed it with G) that we would hold off on the extras he and I agreed to add this year - like Spanish and cursive, writing until we were had a groove with the core stuff. It took a lot of pressure off both of us!

Thursday, today, was our final day of the week. I intentionally schedule a 4 day work week so we have an extra day in the event of a field trip, doctor's appointment, sick day, 'not feeling it day,' etc.... Today was pretty low key because to be honest, we were somewhat ahead of schedule even with all my ranting and his raving!!

That being said - we are making adjustments to our schedule and to be realistic, we'll probably be doing that through the entire year. Love the flexibility and freedom with homeschooling to do just that. Bottom line for the week: We still love each other and we are still homeschooling in our PJs!

Hope all of you had a successful first week or will have if you haven't started yet!!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

1st Day Top 10 List

Monday will be here soon!! I can't wait to really dig in. G on the other hand, has put in his request to take it easy on him!! I will, I will!! I advised him Monday will be like the first day of school when he went to public school with some slight differences.

Top 10 Ways our 1st day of school will differ from our Public School Counterparts:
  1. Mommy doesn't get to attend the "Woo-Hoo Boo-Hoo" after I have said good-bye to my little munchkin. Thus, no free donuts, juice and talk about all we're going to accomplish with all this free time. (What is 'free-time' anyway??)
  2. We can sleep in since our commute only involves walking into the dining room.
  3. No back packs or lunches to pack.
  4. No need for introductions or feeling shy, since we all know each other.
  5. No ironing of uniforms or school clothes! (Not that I iron anyway!)
  6. No need for name tags, tours of the school or explanation of school policies.
  7. Mommy doesn't need to sign up for PTA events and/or to bring snacks for class. In this establishment, I already wear all those hats!
  8. We allow our dog to go to school with us (reluctantly at times) versus allowing her to stare out the window as we drive away for the entire day.
  9. We can move around and not have to sit in our seats all day long! Heck, we'll probably lay on the couch and/or beanbag chair to get some reading in.
  10. We get to wear our PJs to school!!! (Not that there aren't a few parents out there who drive their kiddos to school wearing their robes. That is not the same as, Junior is more than mortified and hopes no one sees him being dropped off.)
Whatever you do and whenever you start!! I hope it's a fabulous stress-free day!! Make each day your own and learn as you go!! As always, remember -- you can accomplish a lot in your PJs. We do!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Almost ready!!!

Woo Hoo!! We are ready to go with the new school year. Well, to be fair G doesn't share the same level of excitement and enthusiasm as I do. If I squint really hard when I look at him, I can make almost make out a little smile. No, not really! But, a girl can dream!!

How did we get here? Well, it all started with clearing off the boxes that had taken over my spare room. I don't even know why we have a bed in there. I think it just so I don't take up hoarding things as it is really hard to put things neatly upon and around the bed. Anyway, I digress!!

Since the beginning of summer, anything school related or anything "I don't want to deal with right now" has been delegated to the spare room. And for some reason, I seem to develop selective amnesia about that part of the house. Then one day, I walk in there and think "oh my -- how did all this stuff get in here???"  This truly happens to me just prior to Christmas, near Easter,  when we're expecting guests and just before school starts. So, it's time for the quarterly cleaning and organizing.

So, G and I dug in on the room yesterday and much to my surprise, he really was excited to see the different books and projects we will be working on this year. As we cleaned, we talked about all the cool things we were going to learn and how we could incorporate different projects, field trips and activities into the year. So, in essence I guess he is a little more excited than I gave him credit for in my opening.

I don't think that I have mentioned that in our home, we don't have a school room or even a school area. Last year, we used rolling carts with drawers to keep our school supplies and books together. We would roll them out each morning to the dining room table to get started. I found that I started stacking the school books at the far end of the table or in one of the empty chairs because somewhere along the line, we weren't as diligent about clearing the area.  I really dislike clutter thus the reason I have a spare room with a door that I can close. (Hey, it's all making sense!)

Well, this year I purchased a heavy duty crate cart to hold our books. That put less weight on the rolling drawer carts and the wheels won't fall off. Another possible reason that contributed to our lack of diligence. Hmmmmm.... Anyway, we cleaned out the old carts and loaded up the books into my heavy duty rolling cart. In the end,  I was so elated since everything that had once taken up a queen size bed was now stored conveniently in a much smaller space. We did however have  a nice pile of boxes in which G claimed as his very own for a "project" that has yet to be determined. Oh well, at least the bed is cleaned off, the supplies are ready to go and the boxes are neatly stacked in and around each other. Now it's my mission and I choose to accept it - to squirrel those boxes out to the trash a couple at a time.

G shouldn't be too upset because after all, we have to start our pre-Christmas hoarding about now. That should give him something to look forward to!! LOL

Monday, August 13, 2012

Dare to compare

Confession time!! I spent most of my first year homeschooling comparing myself to others, especially those well organized veterans that gave the appearance of being calm, cool and collected while their well-behaved brood of at least 12 sat quietly while mommy had a conversation. Okay, okay!! Maybe I am stretching it a little, but let's face it -- that's what we do when we compare. All the reality of their lives seems to fade into the background, while the spotlight shines brightest on the areas of their lives we like least about own.

I have not always been the most confident person yet I can carry myself like I am. So ,I am quite an expert on the contemplative study of the lives of others: ie: Comparing!!! In reality, if I had the opportunity to be a proverbial fly on the wall or actually have a "Freaky Friday" experience and spend a little time in their skin, I would more than likely find out that they have the same struggles I do.  I am sure their little darlings talk back, complain about schoolwork, and generally behave like children. In addition, I am sure that her house is not always immaculate, her lesson plans are somewhat scattered and that she has to also lock herself in the bathroom for a few minutes of alone time!

I have vowed to myself, in this my second year of this homeschool journey, to avoid at all costs the deadly comparison issue.  I will however stop short at wearing blinders and never leaving my house. What I will do is realize that my family and I are doing what works for us! That the dishes don't always have to be completely out of the sink; the laundry can wait a little longer; it's okay if we don't finish our science book before the end of the year; G and I are okay if he skips Latin in the 3rd grade and tries something he wants to do -- like play guitar; and so on!

So, folks before you start trying to compare yourself to anyone else just remember, you are who God intended you to be. YOU know what's best for your family. The same shoe does not fit everybody! Not all curriculum or teaching styles are created equal and that can only be measured by you!!

Remember, life is like an ice cream shop! There are so many flavors to try and you're not going to like them all. Sometimes it takes being a little bold and mixing a couple together to find just the right taste for you!!

Ummmm... Ice cream.. Time for a scoop or two while I lounge back for some me time!! You guessed, it -- I will wearing my favorite PJs!!

Meet the Fam!

I guess if I am going to write about our journey, then I should tell you a little about our family.
We are made up of a trio of silly, sarcastic, polar opposites. We're all easily distracted thus you have to get our attention quickly and do something interesting to keep it.

Me: Well, I am the teacher in the group or at least facilitator of all that is "homeschool." At least that is dubious title given to me by the other two in the family. I like to say I am the typical type-A personality yet I am a study in contradictions. I like structure but I don't like to put anything in pencil on my calendar. I abhor making appointments or plans more than 2 days in advance, but I like to know what we're doing. I like someone to tell me what needs to be done but I want to be the one who decides HOW, WHEN and even WHAT portions I want to do.  I need guidance, but don't like hand-holding. I am a list-maker but at the same time don't like to make lesson plans. I would rather document what I accomplished vs what needs to be done. I love to read!! I enjoy learning and would be a professional student if there were any money in it. I have a fascination with Disney and like to write. My writing however borders on the tongue-in-cheek style and I don't take myself too seriously.

Hubby: I like to call him the Principal of our little school. We are blessed that he works from home unless he is traveling. During the summer months, he's been gone almost weekly. It appears from his calendar that he will be home near the start of our school year. As for his traits, he is a techy, logical thinker. He is the one who also helps out with the mechanics of things, enjoys doing the science experiments and breaks down lengthy explanations or instructions to a "for dummies" version for yours truly. He is a kid at heart, so when the two them put their minds together, I am out-gunned and might as well call it a day.

Kiddo: I will refer to him as "G." He is a textbook strong-willed child. He spent 2 years in public school so I use that to my advantage as motivation to get him to do his work. I have found that he is a kinesthetic learner and he totally dislikes worksheets. Worksheets are one way to cause him to tune out. But give him Lego blocks to manipulate or teach him by allowing him to use his hands and he is all over it! He is also very lovable, enjoys time with the family and wishes all learning could be done with Star Wars, Legos or video games. In essence, he is a typical 8 year old boy. G is much like his father in their learning approach. They avoid formal learning at all costs. My tactic is to sneak in as much as I can without their knowing. Similar to hiding veggies in the spaghetti sauce. (shhhhhh!!! It's a secret).

I almost forgot, we do have one more member of the family. She is our pup and if I had to classify her, she is our distraction. Ever-ready to play and none-too-understanding of her boy having sit down and not pay attention to her. During the school day, she is surrounded by chew toys and rawhide bones.

Well, that's some information about us. As I post, I am sure more interesting or at least amusing aspects of our dynamic will appear. At the very least, I am sure I will learn a little something more about us too. As I said earlier, I love to learn. And, I especially love homeschooling in my PJs.

So, stay in your PJs, grab a cup of coffee and join us!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Getting started

Back today from speaking at a local Homeschool event on my first year of homeshooling my 2nd grader. Umhmmm, I mean now to be 3rd grader!  I was impressed by the other speakers and how much wealth and wisdom they have to offer.

It hit me that we are all at different stages of our lives no matter our journey. None of us - let me repeat, NONE OF US, has it all figured out and no longer have any capacity to learn or even teach others through our experiences. We have unlimited capacity to learn and to share!!

If life as taught me anything is that people need each other and shared experiences are the thread that draws us all together.

Life cannot be done alone as I don't believe the good Lord intended us to be alone. I believe that we are   wired to desire and need other interactions. In essence, we are relational creatures.

I created this blog for a couple of reasons:

  1.  To have an outlet to ramble, ponder, rant and even brag about my family's homeschool adventures. 
  2. To pass on even a snippet of my experiences in hopes that they may help or at least amuse others. 
  3. Finally, I think it's okay to offer validation to others and for all us to know that there is no right or wrong way to homeschool your children. In my house, we like to homeschool in our PJs!! 

Follow along and there is no telling what I will write or share!!