In any event, we planned to visit hubby's family for an extended stay for the Christmas holidays. In order to allow us to be truly on vacation and no stress to any of us, G and I agreed to have all of our school work completed by the end of the first week of December! That cleared up our schedule to have time to do last minute things to prepare for our trip, as well get any shopping and packing done without the stress of marking items off on my lesson plans.
I can't tell you how freeing that has been for me, just to let it go. Fortunately, for me G likes to go on the web and play on Also, we brought along our George Muller book to continue reading through the missionary journey portion of our studies. Bible study is still among his favorites. So, for us that is about as much "official/unofficial"school work we have done. But, I can still see G learning! He is enjoying his time with Grandma and Grandpa, Aunts and Uncles, Cousins and others that stop by. He grows just by learning more about his family and being with those that we don't get to see on a regular basis.
The saying goes that "it takes a village to raise a child." It is amazing how much wisdom can be imparted on our children just by talking with them and interacting with others. I love watching G engage with family and play in the snow and all the things we don't necessarily have constant access to at home. Memories and the time we are spending as a family have been more valuable in my opinion than all the school work in the world.
Loving our vacation! Loving our family! Loving the way we learn! Merry Christmas!
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