Scheduling and me!! Hmmmm!! What to say? What to say? First, I abhor having to schedule anything including doctor's appointments. I like to go when I want to go and do what I want to do when I want to do it....However, that doesn't work in the real world. During my years in school, I did in fact learn that the world, contrary to my personal inclination, does not revolve around me.
Contrastingly, I do love and NEED to make lists!! I have lists for lists. I am so compulsive about lists that I will complete a task and realize it wasn't on a list. At that moment, I then write it on the list just so I can have the satisfaction of marking it off. Yep-- that's me!! A little compulsive about the weird stuff!
Anyway, as this week as gotten underway I realized why I was glad that we are homeschooling. Lots of extras and issues with my schedule have popped up requiring me to alter the lesson plans I had for this week. As I was marking items off my list today and placing check marks next to what we have been able to accomplish on my lesson plans, I reminded myself that there is no right or wrong time to get this school work done. After all, aren't we doing school by just doing life???
So, on paper hubby's last minute business trip looks like it caused all kinds of issues with my plans but in reality, nothing more than a wrinkle. That's the good thing about making my plans in pencil and only making them one week in advance. I can change on a dime and move stuff, delete stuff and even add stuff on a whim.
My system seems to feed my schedule-phobia!! I like the ability to decide what works and what doesn't. I like that I can decide what will and won't be done and if it doesn't get done, it's not the end of the world. At the end of the day, I can feel good about marking "home school" off my to-do list no matter what actual work we completed!!
That being said, now it's time for a nice hot bath, pjs, fluffy socks and cuddle time with my star pupil!
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