Monday, August 13, 2012

Meet the Fam!

I guess if I am going to write about our journey, then I should tell you a little about our family.
We are made up of a trio of silly, sarcastic, polar opposites. We're all easily distracted thus you have to get our attention quickly and do something interesting to keep it.

Me: Well, I am the teacher in the group or at least facilitator of all that is "homeschool." At least that is dubious title given to me by the other two in the family. I like to say I am the typical type-A personality yet I am a study in contradictions. I like structure but I don't like to put anything in pencil on my calendar. I abhor making appointments or plans more than 2 days in advance, but I like to know what we're doing. I like someone to tell me what needs to be done but I want to be the one who decides HOW, WHEN and even WHAT portions I want to do.  I need guidance, but don't like hand-holding. I am a list-maker but at the same time don't like to make lesson plans. I would rather document what I accomplished vs what needs to be done. I love to read!! I enjoy learning and would be a professional student if there were any money in it. I have a fascination with Disney and like to write. My writing however borders on the tongue-in-cheek style and I don't take myself too seriously.

Hubby: I like to call him the Principal of our little school. We are blessed that he works from home unless he is traveling. During the summer months, he's been gone almost weekly. It appears from his calendar that he will be home near the start of our school year. As for his traits, he is a techy, logical thinker. He is the one who also helps out with the mechanics of things, enjoys doing the science experiments and breaks down lengthy explanations or instructions to a "for dummies" version for yours truly. He is a kid at heart, so when the two them put their minds together, I am out-gunned and might as well call it a day.

Kiddo: I will refer to him as "G." He is a textbook strong-willed child. He spent 2 years in public school so I use that to my advantage as motivation to get him to do his work. I have found that he is a kinesthetic learner and he totally dislikes worksheets. Worksheets are one way to cause him to tune out. But give him Lego blocks to manipulate or teach him by allowing him to use his hands and he is all over it! He is also very lovable, enjoys time with the family and wishes all learning could be done with Star Wars, Legos or video games. In essence, he is a typical 8 year old boy. G is much like his father in their learning approach. They avoid formal learning at all costs. My tactic is to sneak in as much as I can without their knowing. Similar to hiding veggies in the spaghetti sauce. (shhhhhh!!! It's a secret).

I almost forgot, we do have one more member of the family. She is our pup and if I had to classify her, she is our distraction. Ever-ready to play and none-too-understanding of her boy having sit down and not pay attention to her. During the school day, she is surrounded by chew toys and rawhide bones.

Well, that's some information about us. As I post, I am sure more interesting or at least amusing aspects of our dynamic will appear. At the very least, I am sure I will learn a little something more about us too. As I said earlier, I love to learn. And, I especially love homeschooling in my PJs.

So, stay in your PJs, grab a cup of coffee and join us!

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