Kiddo has been doing a great job of getting his work done lately. I "borrowed" a friend's daily checklist (with her permission) and tweaked it to show Kiddo what he has to get done each day. He is in charge of marking off what has been completed and it is up to him to check with me to see if there is anything to do in each of the categories.
It's been nice to have him take some ownership and I think it motivates him to mark things off and see his list shrinking. Ooppss! I may have passed that list making gene down to him!!
We are scaling down as we will be integrating school when we go over the river and through the woods to grandma's house for Thanksgiving. We are making a couple of overnight stops there and back to historic areas of the country. Kiddo is excited because he will get to visit forts and complete work to earn Jr Ranger Badges at the national parks! He is so excited, I may have to develop patches for Math, Writing, etc.
That's the beauty of homeschooling in that everywhere and everything is a school room. In some cases, like our upcoming trip, it's easier and more defined as an educational experience. But, remember a trip to the grocery store can be just as informative or taking them to shop when they have to spend their own money is an even better "life lesson."
Tweaking (not to be confused with twerking - that's a whole different subject and I am not even sure what it is) and Flexibility are my two favorite words this year. That along with writing in my agenda with pencil has been, oh so FREEING!!! It's the little things that make this momma happy and it's why I homeschool!

My ramblings, rants, brags, observations and whatever else I encounter as we embark on our fourth year homeschooling our son. My blog title was inspired by those easy readers of old in the Dick & Jane series. If those books were easy then (maybe) this homeschooling thing won't be so hard either! LOL I'm not sure about my hypothesis! Join me on my journey and we can find out together.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Monday, November 11, 2013
Winding down....
Can't believe November is here!!! My kiddo celebrated his birthday a little over a week ago. We are trying to get our school work done. He and I both are a little distracted by all that is going on around us.
Daddy is still gone for extended periods of time but did come in town long enough to hang with us for Halloween and to celebrate Kiddo's birthday. It was hard to do school because we wanted to hang out with Daddy. But, Daddy still had work to do so we went back to our work too.
Now, the school year is winding down for Kiddo's outside classes. He takes a robotics/programming class and a STEM class that all end this week. I am looking forward to that as I can get some of our other work caught up and really focus on our studies. We can actually do our week long study in a week vs stretching it out over a week and one half to two weeks.
We are also looking forward to Thanksgiving. We're planning a little history tour complete with overnight stops on our way "across the river and through the woods to Grandma's house we go...." We will pull back from our regularly scheduled schooling and add in car-tripping with a fun flavor!
That's the beauty of homeschooling. Everything and every place can be a lesson -- and not just the grocery store!!! That's how this momma homeschools!
Daddy is still gone for extended periods of time but did come in town long enough to hang with us for Halloween and to celebrate Kiddo's birthday. It was hard to do school because we wanted to hang out with Daddy. But, Daddy still had work to do so we went back to our work too.
Now, the school year is winding down for Kiddo's outside classes. He takes a robotics/programming class and a STEM class that all end this week. I am looking forward to that as I can get some of our other work caught up and really focus on our studies. We can actually do our week long study in a week vs stretching it out over a week and one half to two weeks.
We are also looking forward to Thanksgiving. We're planning a little history tour complete with overnight stops on our way "across the river and through the woods to Grandma's house we go...." We will pull back from our regularly scheduled schooling and add in car-tripping with a fun flavor!
That's the beauty of homeschooling. Everything and every place can be a lesson -- and not just the grocery store!!! That's how this momma homeschools!
Monday, October 28, 2013
Less is sometimes ENOUGH
All is well and good in our little neck of the woods! Kiddo and I have been chugging along and just kind of taking it easy with a fewer less helpings of stress in our daily activities. Given the year we have been dealt thus far, with our "Principal" (aka Daddy) MIA from the organization due to outside pressures of "WORK" and the extended family drama that continues to smack repeatedly at our boundaries, we have taken a more relaxed approach to schooling.
That does not mean we don't school - as the very thought of not working on our curriculum makes my teeth itch. What it does mean is that we have slowed down and cut ourselves some slack. We do what we can do in the time allotted and finish the rest when we have time or in some cases (GASP!!!) - skip it all together.
Let me illustrate. According to the agenda book that I keep with my lesson plans and the things we get accomplished, we show that we are in our 11th week of school but in our MFW curriculum, we are only in week 7. Normally, these non-matching numbers would send me in a tailspin but given my new focus on school work and life balance, this works for us and to be honest, it's freeing!!
I decided that it's okay to skip some stuff and/or to take our time to really dive into some topics. It's much more beneficial if we can stay just a little longer on a topic that is especially interesting to my young scholar. Right now, the discussion of pyramids along with their form, function and general design have us a little captivated.
Plus, Kiddo is busy working on (well - needs to be working on) his year end project/presentation for his meteorology portion of his weekly STEM class. Plus, he is also knee-deep in the study of wildfires for his First Lego League team. So, he's learning A LOT of different things and applying many different skills even though it's not written in any of the curriculum I have purchased.
It does make the OCD Control Freak in me feel better when I look at the agenda and see all that we have accomplished each week even though we may not be moving quickly through our "core" products.
We have still managed to have a few field trips and time with our friends. Kiddo was telling me last night that he is very happy that he has had a chance to see his friends so much lately. Being the parent of an only child is hard at times in that I need to be cognizant of the fact that he needs more than ME and honestly, I need more than him. I have worked it out to make sure he interacts people almost every day. That may entail him being in a class, going to a church activity, having dinner with friends, park days, field trips and old-fashioned play dates! Wait- we're going to have to call them "hang-outs" or something since Kiddo reminded me that he is almost 10 and play date just sounds "too girly." Oh well! I guess he has a point.
That's where we are at this point in our journey and that is just how this momma continues to homeschool.
That does not mean we don't school - as the very thought of not working on our curriculum makes my teeth itch. What it does mean is that we have slowed down and cut ourselves some slack. We do what we can do in the time allotted and finish the rest when we have time or in some cases (GASP!!!) - skip it all together.
Let me illustrate. According to the agenda book that I keep with my lesson plans and the things we get accomplished, we show that we are in our 11th week of school but in our MFW curriculum, we are only in week 7. Normally, these non-matching numbers would send me in a tailspin but given my new focus on school work and life balance, this works for us and to be honest, it's freeing!!
I decided that it's okay to skip some stuff and/or to take our time to really dive into some topics. It's much more beneficial if we can stay just a little longer on a topic that is especially interesting to my young scholar. Right now, the discussion of pyramids along with their form, function and general design have us a little captivated.
Plus, Kiddo is busy working on (well - needs to be working on) his year end project/presentation for his meteorology portion of his weekly STEM class. Plus, he is also knee-deep in the study of wildfires for his First Lego League team. So, he's learning A LOT of different things and applying many different skills even though it's not written in any of the curriculum I have purchased.
It does make the OCD Control Freak in me feel better when I look at the agenda and see all that we have accomplished each week even though we may not be moving quickly through our "core" products.
We have still managed to have a few field trips and time with our friends. Kiddo was telling me last night that he is very happy that he has had a chance to see his friends so much lately. Being the parent of an only child is hard at times in that I need to be cognizant of the fact that he needs more than ME and honestly, I need more than him. I have worked it out to make sure he interacts people almost every day. That may entail him being in a class, going to a church activity, having dinner with friends, park days, field trips and old-fashioned play dates! Wait- we're going to have to call them "hang-outs" or something since Kiddo reminded me that he is almost 10 and play date just sounds "too girly." Oh well! I guess he has a point.
That's where we are at this point in our journey and that is just how this momma continues to homeschool.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Real-life lessons
Where does the time go?? It's been a week since my last post and I internally promised myself that I would update something at least 2 or 3 times a week to chronicle our journey. Oh well, there's always tomorrow, that is after I post today!
Our little family is quite busy and things are a little crazy around our house. Hubby (AKA - Principal of the Academy of Awesome Learning) has been assigned to a major project at work that takes him out of the state from Sunday to Friday afternoon. That being said, I am now wearing multiple hats and doing the single-mom thing. As an aside - KUDOS to all the single parents out there!! WHEW!! I have the utmost respect for you.
Anyway, along with Daddy being gone, we have some external family drama consuming some of my mental energies, then compound that with ailing parents on both sides, a terminally-ill grandmother and an uncle recently diagnosed with cancer. I guess now that I see it in print, it's okay that I don't update my homeschool blog on a daily basis.
Just goes to show that life goes on and it has lots of curves, dips and even loop-de-loops to throw at you. As those that homeschool know, homeschooling isn't just about the books we read, the math facts we learn, the field trips we take or even those cool science experiments that may or may not involve a chemical reaction. It is so much more. Teaching life skills and the ability to "roll with" the proverbial punches is a valuable life skill. Kiddo is learning lessons that I would rather not teach him in his young life but it's a fact of life that "into each life a little rain must fall." (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
Sometimes, that rain is slightly a mist and other times it's a torrential downpour causing us to seek shelter. In any event, we are learning as a family to navigate these rough waters by drawing closer to each other and to our Lord Jesus Christ. Getting through life one prayer and day at a time and sprinkling in some official learning along the way. That's how this momma is homeschooling these days!
Our little family is quite busy and things are a little crazy around our house. Hubby (AKA - Principal of the Academy of Awesome Learning) has been assigned to a major project at work that takes him out of the state from Sunday to Friday afternoon. That being said, I am now wearing multiple hats and doing the single-mom thing. As an aside - KUDOS to all the single parents out there!! WHEW!! I have the utmost respect for you.
Anyway, along with Daddy being gone, we have some external family drama consuming some of my mental energies, then compound that with ailing parents on both sides, a terminally-ill grandmother and an uncle recently diagnosed with cancer. I guess now that I see it in print, it's okay that I don't update my homeschool blog on a daily basis.
Just goes to show that life goes on and it has lots of curves, dips and even loop-de-loops to throw at you. As those that homeschool know, homeschooling isn't just about the books we read, the math facts we learn, the field trips we take or even those cool science experiments that may or may not involve a chemical reaction. It is so much more. Teaching life skills and the ability to "roll with" the proverbial punches is a valuable life skill. Kiddo is learning lessons that I would rather not teach him in his young life but it's a fact of life that "into each life a little rain must fall." (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
Sometimes, that rain is slightly a mist and other times it's a torrential downpour causing us to seek shelter. In any event, we are learning as a family to navigate these rough waters by drawing closer to each other and to our Lord Jesus Christ. Getting through life one prayer and day at a time and sprinkling in some official learning along the way. That's how this momma is homeschooling these days!
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Field Tripping
We are blessed with a couple of active homeschool groups and a wonderful community ripe for exploration. This time of year in Sunny Florida, the weather is cooling off (in the low 80s - Lol) and the initial shock from the start of the school year is somewhat over and I notice my calendar is filling up with wonderful field trips.
The month of September is typcially busier because we have "Swap-tember." What that means is if you have annual passes to a place like the Florida Aquarium, Lowry Park Zoo or MOSI then you can go to the other places for FREE in the month of September. As we have MOSI passes, we took advantage of the offer and went to the Lowry Park Zoo and the Florida Aquarium.
Last Tuesday, we visited Old McMicky's Farm in Odessa. My kiddo and about 60 others in our group had an opportunity to milk a cow, ride a horse, hold a chicken, pet a goat, visit with a real-life turkey (not our Uncle - lol), learn more about pot-belly pigs and a few more encounters. The staff was really nice and very patient with our group ranging in age from toddler to middle school.
This Tuesday, we planned a visit to Working Cow Homemade Ice Cream in St Petersburg. Our kids participated in a service project as well by bringing a recycled cooler full of non-perishable food to be given to Meals on Wheels. After presenting their gift, we toured the facility and learned how they make that wonderful ice cream. Just to make sure it was good, they offered us double-fudge brownie right out of the mixer! GREAT stuff.
We have upcoming field trips planned to Dakin Farm, Publix Dairy Plant, live plays and much more! It's fun homeschooling. I have to remember that even "Field Tripping" is a learning experience and this does take the pressure off and these days that helps this momma homeschool.
The month of September is typcially busier because we have "Swap-tember." What that means is if you have annual passes to a place like the Florida Aquarium, Lowry Park Zoo or MOSI then you can go to the other places for FREE in the month of September. As we have MOSI passes, we took advantage of the offer and went to the Lowry Park Zoo and the Florida Aquarium.
Last Tuesday, we visited Old McMicky's Farm in Odessa. My kiddo and about 60 others in our group had an opportunity to milk a cow, ride a horse, hold a chicken, pet a goat, visit with a real-life turkey (not our Uncle - lol), learn more about pot-belly pigs and a few more encounters. The staff was really nice and very patient with our group ranging in age from toddler to middle school.
This Tuesday, we planned a visit to Working Cow Homemade Ice Cream in St Petersburg. Our kids participated in a service project as well by bringing a recycled cooler full of non-perishable food to be given to Meals on Wheels. After presenting their gift, we toured the facility and learned how they make that wonderful ice cream. Just to make sure it was good, they offered us double-fudge brownie right out of the mixer! GREAT stuff.
We have upcoming field trips planned to Dakin Farm, Publix Dairy Plant, live plays and much more! It's fun homeschooling. I have to remember that even "Field Tripping" is a learning experience and this does take the pressure off and these days that helps this momma homeschool.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Learning to say no....
We've been so busy, that I literally had to write "update blog" on my To-Do list. Once I started typing, I paused and checked my calendar to find out exactly why I hadn't updated this piece of our family homeschool journey. I found the problem!! The calendar has been full of activities, appointments and general life! We've been doing school but it's been a variation of "homeschool meets car schooling with a sprinkling of field tripping along with a dash of family drama to pull it all together."
I am sure you have days, weeks, months or even years like that!! I know I am not alone out there in my struggle for balance. There are so many wonderful opportunities out there for homeschool families with activities, trips, and experiences that complement our learning. But, I have learned that I can't say YES to every one of them no matter how enticing they may be. An extremely overloaded calendar does not a happy momma make!!
Reluctantly, I had to back my kiddo out of an upcoming activity due to the cost and time commitment. He understood, but a part of me really wanted to make a way for him to do it. Why? I don't know -- I guess because he didn't get opportunities like this when he went to school and well - neither did I!
I know I shouldn't feel any sense of guilt. He already does far more than he used to do and he has positive experiences in most of the activities and trips we have taken. But for our family, I had to stop and realize that these $5, $20, $50 opportunities don't sound like much at the time but when compounded and added to the calendar, it quickly mounted up in time and MONEY!!! So, now we're cutting back and trying to stay close to home or do more super cheap things or free stuff like park days with our friends.
I have absolved myself of any guilt because let's face it, my kiddo has it pretty good. He is progressing nicely (albeit - a little unfocused at times). We are working through our calendar, commitments and life that comes our way.
It's not perfect and I don't think that this momma would know what to do it if was! I appreciate our homeschool journey! At least remind me of that from time to time, will ya when I question why this momma homeschools! See ya later!
I am sure you have days, weeks, months or even years like that!! I know I am not alone out there in my struggle for balance. There are so many wonderful opportunities out there for homeschool families with activities, trips, and experiences that complement our learning. But, I have learned that I can't say YES to every one of them no matter how enticing they may be. An extremely overloaded calendar does not a happy momma make!!
Reluctantly, I had to back my kiddo out of an upcoming activity due to the cost and time commitment. He understood, but a part of me really wanted to make a way for him to do it. Why? I don't know -- I guess because he didn't get opportunities like this when he went to school and well - neither did I!
I know I shouldn't feel any sense of guilt. He already does far more than he used to do and he has positive experiences in most of the activities and trips we have taken. But for our family, I had to stop and realize that these $5, $20, $50 opportunities don't sound like much at the time but when compounded and added to the calendar, it quickly mounted up in time and MONEY!!! So, now we're cutting back and trying to stay close to home or do more super cheap things or free stuff like park days with our friends.
I have absolved myself of any guilt because let's face it, my kiddo has it pretty good. He is progressing nicely (albeit - a little unfocused at times). We are working through our calendar, commitments and life that comes our way.
It's not perfect and I don't think that this momma would know what to do it if was! I appreciate our homeschool journey! At least remind me of that from time to time, will ya when I question why this momma homeschools! See ya later!
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
My sweet boy
My boy and I were working on IEW and he was completing his paragraph using his key word outline. I stepped out of the school room as I needed something in another room. When I returned... this was on the board!!!
I was shocked and very excited! Of course, I had to thank him right before I grabbed my camera!! It's validation like this that reminds me why this mom homeschools!
I was shocked and very excited! Of course, I had to thank him right before I grabbed my camera!! It's validation like this that reminds me why this mom homeschools!
Monday, September 23, 2013
We're stil here!
Our weeks have been a blur! We are in full mode with all of our activities and actual schooling in full-swing! Thus, the reason for my lack of posts lately.
We haven't added anything - as if I had the time - and we haven't really changed anything about our days. We do have a functioning homeschool room and that has been a blessing for us! It is not completely done as I once envisioned but I totally need to avoid inundating Hubby with all his extra stuff that sits in the corner. I have already piled a good chunk of stuff in the corner of his office. To be fair, I will be helping him organize his office before moving onto the final phase in the homeschool room evolution.
Had a rough couple of weeks - emotionally with schooling and my attitude. I am in the process of composing a blog post about that as well. I must admit that I have taken solace and comfort in the fact that many of my homeschool friends are experiencing the lack of honeymoon phase in their own homeschool journeys.
I am not in the least glad that they are feeling challenged and even discouraged but it does bring me comfort that I am not alone and for that reason I am not the "bad mother" I kept thinking I was and that I not "messing my son up" in his education or psychological growth. Hang in their sisters and we will get through this with lots of patience, prayer and good old fashion cry sessions. At least that's how this momma currently homeschools.
We haven't added anything - as if I had the time - and we haven't really changed anything about our days. We do have a functioning homeschool room and that has been a blessing for us! It is not completely done as I once envisioned but I totally need to avoid inundating Hubby with all his extra stuff that sits in the corner. I have already piled a good chunk of stuff in the corner of his office. To be fair, I will be helping him organize his office before moving onto the final phase in the homeschool room evolution.
Had a rough couple of weeks - emotionally with schooling and my attitude. I am in the process of composing a blog post about that as well. I must admit that I have taken solace and comfort in the fact that many of my homeschool friends are experiencing the lack of honeymoon phase in their own homeschool journeys.
I am not in the least glad that they are feeling challenged and even discouraged but it does bring me comfort that I am not alone and for that reason I am not the "bad mother" I kept thinking I was and that I not "messing my son up" in his education or psychological growth. Hang in their sisters and we will get through this with lots of patience, prayer and good old fashion cry sessions. At least that's how this momma currently homeschools.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Welcome to our Hectic schedule
We are moving into week 3 and doing quite well. We are still processing our new curriculum and finding what works and what doesn't. This morning, my kiddo started his first full week of all of his activities. This is how our week plays out:
- AM: Computer Programming and Robotics Classes
- Afternoon: Archery
- HOME - schooling
- Afternoon: Park day (for both of us -- we need to be able to run FREE)
- HOME - schooling
- Evening: AWANA
- AM: STEM Classes
- Afternoon: Park day (see above!!)
- Evening: FLL (First Lego League Practice)
- HOME - schooling and/of Field Trip
Lots of enrichment activities but also lots of learning going on with our busy schedule.
We have also made great strides on the Homeschool room. We bought our furniture in place but we still need to move out some items and clean off some shelves. I would say we are 75% complete and once we are done. I will post progression pics! I can tell you that Kiddo is absolutely ecstatic about his new learning space. We have made it bright and very inviting!! Everyone loves that "new school room" feel and smell!
That's it for us as Kiddo is almost finished with his programming class and then we are off to the library. Such is the life for us and we are so happy that this is how this momma homeschools.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Evolution of the Homeschool Room Update
The homeschool room evolution continues. This past holiday weekend, Hubby and I spent most of Monday cleaning out the homeschool room. We pulled out the luggage and put it in the attic and took some of Hubby's work items and put them in his new office on the other side of the house. At the end of Monday, the room was about half cleaned but not quite ready to start all the AWESOME learning we plan to do in there.
On Tuesday, Kiddo and I spent time in there after our school work was done and started organizing and placing into piles what was still left to go and what needed to stay. I have a nice plan in my head about how it's all going to work. I informed Hubby (aka - the Principal and general custodian of this fine school of ours) that I needed to move the remainder of his office to well, HIS office!! He understood completely. We are working a plan to get his new office organized to make room for some of the things he left behind.
IKEA will be getting a visit from us soon as I have picked out a nice desk for Kiddo along with chairs and some organizational items that transform that room into a bona fide education Mecca! Okay - maybe that's a little much. BUT, it will be a place that we place our school books, supplies and general items in one place without living out of a rolling cart as we currently do.
Not that there is anything wrong with this method because we have used it for 2 years and worked just fine. My lack of acceptance in the routine came about with the somewhat cluttered, but not-being-used room beckoned me to come and make use of it!! Since the beginning of the summer, I have been excited to move into the room but not quite motivated to get the ball rolling to transport the aforementioned clutter to the dump!! Now that we are in full swing with school, I am motivated and have done more in one week than I have all summer with that room.
My goal is to have it ready and functional by the end of next week. Of course, this will involve the Principal making room in his office. That is a feat in itself, not because he won't do it - but because he has been so busy with work that making room for the stuff is not able to fit on his calendar. Hoping this weekend, we can make it happen!
So, for now - IKEA will wait and I will dream of the reading nook, computer corner, discussion table, shelves loaded with individual marked containers of supplies, neatly arranged books and folded rolling carts!! AHHHH!! The "dream" will be a reality soon - I just know it! That's what will make this momma happy when she homeschools!!
(pictures and updates coming soon!
On Tuesday, Kiddo and I spent time in there after our school work was done and started organizing and placing into piles what was still left to go and what needed to stay. I have a nice plan in my head about how it's all going to work. I informed Hubby (aka - the Principal and general custodian of this fine school of ours) that I needed to move the remainder of his office to well, HIS office!! He understood completely. We are working a plan to get his new office organized to make room for some of the things he left behind.
IKEA will be getting a visit from us soon as I have picked out a nice desk for Kiddo along with chairs and some organizational items that transform that room into a bona fide education Mecca! Okay - maybe that's a little much. BUT, it will be a place that we place our school books, supplies and general items in one place without living out of a rolling cart as we currently do.
Not that there is anything wrong with this method because we have used it for 2 years and worked just fine. My lack of acceptance in the routine came about with the somewhat cluttered, but not-being-used room beckoned me to come and make use of it!! Since the beginning of the summer, I have been excited to move into the room but not quite motivated to get the ball rolling to transport the aforementioned clutter to the dump!! Now that we are in full swing with school, I am motivated and have done more in one week than I have all summer with that room.
My goal is to have it ready and functional by the end of next week. Of course, this will involve the Principal making room in his office. That is a feat in itself, not because he won't do it - but because he has been so busy with work that making room for the stuff is not able to fit on his calendar. Hoping this weekend, we can make it happen!
So, for now - IKEA will wait and I will dream of the reading nook, computer corner, discussion table, shelves loaded with individual marked containers of supplies, neatly arranged books and folded rolling carts!! AHHHH!! The "dream" will be a reality soon - I just know it! That's what will make this momma happy when she homeschools!!
(pictures and updates coming soon!
Change time
We are on to week 2 and I have already made a change to our schooling process. The last 2 years, we have saved Fridays as "Fun Friday" in which we did field trips, family stuff and generally just hung out doing whatever we liked. I quickly noticed as I looked at the things we want to accomplish this year (including the additional time we want to take off around the holidays), that "Fun Friday" may be relegated to an occasional option.
So - much to Kiddo's chagrin, we are implementing "light Friday" in which we will do some basic schooling including math, science experiments and those things we just couldn't get to during the week.
I must explain that starting next week, we lose out on Mondays and Thursdays as really viable "at home" homeschool days. My kiddo starts his robotic and computer programming classes this coming Monday and for some insane reason, I added 6 weeks of Archery to Monday afternoons. So, that takes away most of the time to school. On Thursdays, he has his STEM class that runs from 845a-12, park day (which is must for both of us) and then he starts Robotics practice from 630p-8p. As you can see Thursday is not an option at all, plus he is learning from 845a-12 by very wonderful teachers!!
I don't know about you, but if we don't get our work done in the morning or shortly after lunch then we don't get it done. Honestly, the morning is the best and the afternoon is optimal for tying up loose ends. Both of us lack the focus or motivation to do much after lunch (related to school work). We would rather read, play out back, swim, etc than look at math or grammar. No offense - Math U See or IEW!!
Who knows if this will stick, as we have a tendency to change things up quite a bit with our homeschooling methodology. Bottom line is that we ARE learning, we ARE growing closer one another and we ARE making it work for our family. That is how THIS momma homeschools!
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Day 2 in the books
The day started out much better due to the fact that I got some sleep and partnered that nicely with my French Vanilla K-Cup.
Kiddo worked very hard today and it was a lot easier today as many of the items were to complete things we started yesterday. Now, once I work on my lesson plans for the coming weeks, I will know NOT to include certain things as a starting lesson. For instance, NO starting a new IEW lesson (video) on the same day we start a new unit in My Father's World, along with science homework from the STEM class that we missed due to vacation. LESSON LEARNED!
I am finding myself already glossing over some things - for instance this week at the start of MFW Creation to the Greeks, we are supposed to do an actual Jewish Sabbath celebration. I can tell you that isn't going to happen this week because first, I am unprepared! Second, I just can't wrap my head around all that it entails. Thirdly, I don't want to do it half-way, I would like the family to experience the process the right way and give it the reverence and attention it deserves.
So, I am using my executive powers and moving it to another week down the road. I am going to check the family calendar to make sure we an actual Friday and Saturday we can do this properly. If not, then we will do the "major" things in the celebration.
Currently, he and I are talking about the various aspects of the celebration in the lesson and we are even making a list of the items we need in order to do this in our non-Jewish household. The way I see it is that I will make a lesson by taking my kiddo to the store to purchase the various items needed. The beauty of homeschool is that we can adapt and adjust!! At least that's how this momma homeschools!
Kiddo worked very hard today and it was a lot easier today as many of the items were to complete things we started yesterday. Now, once I work on my lesson plans for the coming weeks, I will know NOT to include certain things as a starting lesson. For instance, NO starting a new IEW lesson (video) on the same day we start a new unit in My Father's World, along with science homework from the STEM class that we missed due to vacation. LESSON LEARNED!
I am finding myself already glossing over some things - for instance this week at the start of MFW Creation to the Greeks, we are supposed to do an actual Jewish Sabbath celebration. I can tell you that isn't going to happen this week because first, I am unprepared! Second, I just can't wrap my head around all that it entails. Thirdly, I don't want to do it half-way, I would like the family to experience the process the right way and give it the reverence and attention it deserves.
So, I am using my executive powers and moving it to another week down the road. I am going to check the family calendar to make sure we an actual Friday and Saturday we can do this properly. If not, then we will do the "major" things in the celebration.
Currently, he and I are talking about the various aspects of the celebration in the lesson and we are even making a list of the items we need in order to do this in our non-Jewish household. The way I see it is that I will make a lesson by taking my kiddo to the store to purchase the various items needed. The beauty of homeschool is that we can adapt and adjust!! At least that's how this momma homeschools!
Monday, August 26, 2013
We survived our first day!
We made it! We did it!! Self-back-pats all around!!! The official first day of our 4th grade homeschool year is behind us!! My kiddo and I made it through unscathed but slightly scared!! I didn't realize how much work we have to cover this year!!
A couple of weeks ago, I made the lesson plans for the first couple of weeks and boy did I overbook us. I must admit, it could be part attitude and timing that makes me feel shell-shocked today! We just returned late Saturday night from a Caribbean vacation where we completely unplugged. In my effort to get ahead, I did not factor in my sluggish attitude when I enthusiastically scheduled our first weeks of schooling. Ironically, it was more my attitude than my kiddo. He said several times throughout the day, how much he was liking it. Not sure if that was a caffeine-deprived hallucination that I was suffering or if he really liked it.
As I reflect back on our day, I must give him credit that he kept a great attitude, he really did seem to be enjoying most of what we did and he adapted well to the our new curriculum choices for the year. The lesson I learned today is this -- don't allow yourself to come back from vacation and be out of French Vanilla Cappuccino K-cups!! It's made for a rough day for me! The kiddo on the other hand is giving today a "thumbs up."
Planning for a better day tomorrow with caffeine and all! (And no I didn't write that in my planner - but maybe I should!!!) Dinner is in the crock pot, the laundry from 8 days of paradise is washing and drying and I think it's time I made a run to the store to pick up that much needed caffeine for tomorrow's lessons. At least, that's how this momma is going to make it through homeschool tomorrow!!
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Almost ready
I find myself getting really excited with the new school year. I have friends that have already started back this year. I love seeing the pictures and reading Facebook posts about their adventures. We are starting a little late as we have a weeklong vacation approaching and we didn't want to conflict with our flow. So, we decided to start the end of the month once we return from a week of relaxing and family bonding.
I sat down a couple of nights ago and finally planned out the first couple weeks of learning. I only planned that far for a couple of reasons. First, I typically only plan a couple of weeks out so as not put pressure on myself and allow a little wiggle room. Second, I am a little compulsive and abhor eraser marks in my planner - lol. So, by planning shorter periods of time, I have less erasing and less of a chance of me having to rewrite the entire thing. Seriously, I NEED HELP - lol! Finally, we are using new curriculum this year and to be honest, not sure how they will work time-wise. This will allow me a couple of weeks to determine how our daily flow will go and when and where I need to tweak our workload.
I feel much better now that I have my planning done. The last of our curriculum arrived in the mail today. I have stocked up on school supplies while they are cheap - whether we need them or not!! My planner is ready to go, along with all calendar dates marked with our classes and confirmed field trips.
So, freeing for me.
This year we are using the following curriculum. It is subject to change just as it did last year, but that's the freedom of doing what we do! LOVE IT!
I sat down a couple of nights ago and finally planned out the first couple weeks of learning. I only planned that far for a couple of reasons. First, I typically only plan a couple of weeks out so as not put pressure on myself and allow a little wiggle room. Second, I am a little compulsive and abhor eraser marks in my planner - lol. So, by planning shorter periods of time, I have less erasing and less of a chance of me having to rewrite the entire thing. Seriously, I NEED HELP - lol! Finally, we are using new curriculum this year and to be honest, not sure how they will work time-wise. This will allow me a couple of weeks to determine how our daily flow will go and when and where I need to tweak our workload.
I feel much better now that I have my planning done. The last of our curriculum arrived in the mail today. I have stocked up on school supplies while they are cheap - whether we need them or not!! My planner is ready to go, along with all calendar dates marked with our classes and confirmed field trips.
So, freeing for me.
This year we are using the following curriculum. It is subject to change just as it did last year, but that's the freedom of doing what we do! LOVE IT!
- My Father's World - Creation to the Greeks (Bible, History, Geography, light Science)
- Math U See - Math (new to us this year)
- IEW - Writing (new to us this year)
- Fix It Grammar - Grammar (new to us this year)
- Phonetic Zoo - Spelling (new to us this year)
- STEM class (one day per week) - Science
- Awana - (additional Bible)
- Home Art Studio - Art
- Rosetta Stone- Spanish (this we will start a little later once we get the flow of IEW & MUS in our schedule)
- Handwriting without Tears - Cursive -- going to work through this pretty quick and then incorporate the techniques with our writing and project assignments
- Computer Programming and Robotics Class (1x per week each) - one of kiddo's favorites!!
Looks like a lot but, most of it works well together or so far that's the way it appears. Looking forward to putting all this to use and see if my planning skills are on target. If not, then that's okay!! Flexibility is the key to how this momma homeschools.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Why we Homeschool
I can't believe the summer flew by like it did!! We were so busy and I must confess that we didn't even get to close to my idealistic summer plans of "light schooling." Kiddo, for the most part, completed his required daily 20 minutes of reading and did his 15 minutes on, but we did little else. But that's all water under the proverbial bridge and we are fired up and ready to go.
I say, "WE" because my kiddo is excited to move into the 4th grade. A week and half ago, I pulled out our brand new Math U See, which is new to us this year. Kiddo watched the first video in which Steve Demme tells the students they should be proficient in the prior steps before moving on. I was very proud of my son when he said, "Mom, not sure I am ready for this as you and I both know, I don't know the other stuff really well." Proud moment but then I scrambled and ordered the next level down with the reminder to my son that he would be moving on to the current math level in no time.
That's one of the things, I love about homeschooling is that there is no pressure to be like everyone else or to be on the same level as everyone else. I love the diversity in approaches and curriculum choices. What I once deemed as overwhelming had become comforting in the variety of choice. I don't feel "stuck" if something isn't working. I am becoming one of those homeschool moms that has a closet or box of curriculum that didn't work for us, but am happy to say, we have found some that work really well.
My goal is to keep my kiddo motivated, encouraged and confident in the work that he does. He likes the idea of being in 4th grade, but I think he really likes the reality that he is right where he needs to be in regards to his education progress. Gone are those days where he feels inadequate because some kids are "getting it" while he struggles. Gone are those days in which he feels insecure because he has questions and is too afraid to raise his hand. He's in a safe environment in which he can be himself and learn in his own way! Bringing him home from institutionalized education is helping him blossom and grow! He is free to raise his own bar and does so exceptionally well!!
That is one of the main reasons why this momma homeschools.
I say, "WE" because my kiddo is excited to move into the 4th grade. A week and half ago, I pulled out our brand new Math U See, which is new to us this year. Kiddo watched the first video in which Steve Demme tells the students they should be proficient in the prior steps before moving on. I was very proud of my son when he said, "Mom, not sure I am ready for this as you and I both know, I don't know the other stuff really well." Proud moment but then I scrambled and ordered the next level down with the reminder to my son that he would be moving on to the current math level in no time.
That's one of the things, I love about homeschooling is that there is no pressure to be like everyone else or to be on the same level as everyone else. I love the diversity in approaches and curriculum choices. What I once deemed as overwhelming had become comforting in the variety of choice. I don't feel "stuck" if something isn't working. I am becoming one of those homeschool moms that has a closet or box of curriculum that didn't work for us, but am happy to say, we have found some that work really well.
My goal is to keep my kiddo motivated, encouraged and confident in the work that he does. He likes the idea of being in 4th grade, but I think he really likes the reality that he is right where he needs to be in regards to his education progress. Gone are those days where he feels inadequate because some kids are "getting it" while he struggles. Gone are those days in which he feels insecure because he has questions and is too afraid to raise his hand. He's in a safe environment in which he can be himself and learn in his own way! Bringing him home from institutionalized education is helping him blossom and grow! He is free to raise his own bar and does so exceptionally well!!
That is one of the main reasons why this momma homeschools.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Why Join a Homeschool Group
I am now heading into my third year on this homeschool adventure. In many ways, I still feel ill-equipped and quite wobbly with the sea legs of a novice homeschooler but, in other ways, I am pretty seasoned. Not sure exactly when it happened, but I now find myself with the tables turned answering questions from new and prospective homeschool families. I will be the first to admit, that I don't know everything and believe me I still do my share of asking ALOT of questions. Let's face it, this homeschool process is different for all of us and as each year comes, new questions and situations plague us.
Lately, I have been asked by several people about if and why should they join a homeschool group. I guess for me, joining a homeschool group was a non-issue. Let me start with a little back story.
My kiddo went to public school for two years (and even a short three week stint in a charter school). Conversely, his best friend has never entered the hallowed halls of institutionalized education. He and his family belonged to a local homeschool group that met at a local park as my kiddo was getting out of school. As a result, our calendar was consistently booked on Thursdays from 230p-430p to meet with his friend and the 50+ homeschool children at the park. So, for two years I listened to these mommies talk about homeschool and I sat back with that "I could never do that" and "good for you - but not for me" attitude, all the while being accepted by the group as an honorary member of the homeschool group. Shhhhh - don't tell -- but I actually pulled my kiddo out of school to attend a few field trips with his friend as part of the group. Therefore, when I made the plunge to start homeschooling when my son was entering 2nd grade, it was a no-brainer and relative non-issue that I join this homeschool group. After all, I had already been grafted-in with my two-year non-paying attendance. LOL.
The following year, I joined a second and third, while still belonging to the first. You may ask - "Why join? and Why join more than one? Great questions!! I have learned that just as no two homeschool families are alike, no two homeschool groups are alike. They each offer something different and give my family a chance to experience more and grow in our homeschool experience.
Over the years, the groups have offered me support, encouragement and friendship. In my estimation, this is something that homeschool parents need more than anything. Many of my friends and family didn't understand why I had decided to homeschool so, it was nice to be with like-minded people that helped me navigate those early days of my journey and still come alongside to shore me up when I need it. Vice versa - it's reciprocal - -I give now too and for me, there is something liberating and freeing about feeling needed and valued, in essence to be a part of something.
As I mentioned above, I belong to three groups in my area. The first, is what I refer to as my "social" group. It's the one that has a weekly meeting day and time at the local park where I can converse with my homeschool friends and my son can run with wild abandon and get lost in the land of light saber wars with his friends. This group also does parties - so he doesn't miss out on the celebrations. We have a welcome back to school party, a Christmas party, Valentine's Day party complete with exchange, Easter party and year end party! My kiddo was used those in the school environment so he loves to still be able to do these things. This group also does a lot of field trips!
The second group I belong to, I initially joined because that was where the organized sports were located. In the past couple of years, it has grown to be more social and offers field trips - thus diversifying the offerings I can choose from during our school year. We are blessed that this group has an actual building in which we can meet and offer classes to our kids. So, the kids get a chance to attend structured classes ranging from the basics of the 3 R's up to fencing/drama/chess/ and many other extracurricular opportunities.
The third group I belong to is through a local church and it is truly support only. We get together on occasion but it is more of forum to ask questions, share, give direction and support one another.
Homeschool groups vary in size and offerings. Many have a formal membership process and collect dues. My first 2 groups, have a year book and year end promotion ceremonies too. I will tell you that even without all the offerings of the groups, I have met some very genuine people who believe in educating their children, really care for another and share a sense of community. In these groups, I have found that we come alongside one another with losses of jobs, deaths, sickness, meals, childcare, and wonderful prayer partners. It's a sense of family and instant community.
Homeschooling can be as rigorous and frustrating, as it is rewarding and motivating! The answer to the question as to should they join, the answer is like all related to homeschooling - it really depends on what you want to do and how it works for your family. Personally, I am not sure I could have made it this far without the homeschool groups in my area. But that's just me and this is how this momma homeschools!
Check out the FPEA website under Find Your District to locate a homeschool group near you.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Help! My homeschool room is hidden!
Summer is in full swing here at our house!! We are in the process of transforming hubby's old office in our new homeschool room. Well, "in the process" may be a bit of a stretch because as I type, the room has become the Bermuda triangle of stuff we don't know what to do with for the entire house. Ironically, the room in which hubby now inhabits as his home office once was the delegated land for storing items we weren't ready to part with at the time.
Thus my dilemma, as I am not sure where to start. The analogy about eating an elephant one bite at a time definitely applies here. I would like to say that I hold hubby responsible as he has old office items in there but in reality, it the general household collection. These so-called bites are totally up to me and the boy to start working on and not poor ol' hubs!
I tarry and type blog posts or work on other items as I really don't want to even start dealing with that room. But as with all things, it can't be ignored forever and it surely isn't going away on its own. The shocker is that when I started filing the room with junk several months ago, I felt I had plenty of time to get this cleared and organized before the start of our new school year. Well, the school year is breathing down my neck along with my incomplete lesson plans. The positive way to look at is is that I now have a junk room with a classroom hidden down deep. Just need to start digging!
Sounds like the kiddo and I need to pull up our sleeves and get in there and start to cleaning and de-cluttering. Once that is over, then the organizing and requisite trips to IKEA can ensue.
I just pray we don't get sucked into the triangle never to be seen again! LOL On the bright side, I am sure there is a lesson in there somewhere! At least that's how this momma homeschools! (Wish me luck!)
Thus my dilemma, as I am not sure where to start. The analogy about eating an elephant one bite at a time definitely applies here. I would like to say that I hold hubby responsible as he has old office items in there but in reality, it the general household collection. These so-called bites are totally up to me and the boy to start working on and not poor ol' hubs!
I tarry and type blog posts or work on other items as I really don't want to even start dealing with that room. But as with all things, it can't be ignored forever and it surely isn't going away on its own. The shocker is that when I started filing the room with junk several months ago, I felt I had plenty of time to get this cleared and organized before the start of our new school year. Well, the school year is breathing down my neck along with my incomplete lesson plans. The positive way to look at is is that I now have a junk room with a classroom hidden down deep. Just need to start digging!
Sounds like the kiddo and I need to pull up our sleeves and get in there and start to cleaning and de-cluttering. Once that is over, then the organizing and requisite trips to IKEA can ensue.
I just pray we don't get sucked into the triangle never to be seen again! LOL On the bright side, I am sure there is a lesson in there somewhere! At least that's how this momma homeschools! (Wish me luck!)
Monday, July 15, 2013
Give Me a Break - getting started again!
Here I am, heading into my 3rd year on this homeschool adventure!! Each year as the school year seems to wind down and we get to the end of the pages in curriculum, I make a vow to myself and to my kiddo that we are not going to stop schooling. I have these grandiose plans to school year round with a lighter workload in the summer months. I have figments of fun math activities to solidify facts and the completion of science projects delegated to the back burner dancing in my head!! But, as soon as the summer months hit, we fill it will VBS, summer camps, vacations, play dates and family visits!!
I must say that the shock of my broken vow didn't hit me until I went to my local super center the other day and to my dismay, the school supplies are appearing on the shelf. To the average child, this is a major no-no but to me, it is just a glaring reminder of how I haven't been able to keep myself on task to keep my kiddo on task. After a little talk with myself and a nice piece of chocolate, I realize that the beauty of homeschooling is the flexibility of it all!
So, now that I that I feel better and understand that he and I can pick up right where we left off or start some place completely different. There is no right or wrong way to get started or better yet start again!
I came up with 5 steps to get me back into the groove and get this homeschool party started, quickly! Well, not too quickly because now that I look at our calendar all those plans I had need to wait until Mid-August.
Step 1: Look over all of your curriculum to make sure you have the topics you want covered. For instance, I have My Father's World, Math U See etc... Do a cursory look to make sure you have the items that will be needed such as books, manipulatives. If not, this is a perfect time to check with your local homeschool group, friends, stores and online to purchase or look at borrowing the items that will be needed. I have found waiting too close to the actual start of the school year causes a back log and often times out of stock situation.
Step 2: Don't plan too far ahead with those lesson plans. Getting started in your school year is stressful enough with sitting down to plan out 32-36 weeks of work at any given time. It's a good idea to know what you want to accomplish and/or topics you want to cover, but to be regimented to have every day and week accounted for at the beginning of your school year is just a pretty heady course! Even for those curriculums that have it spelled out daily for you, include some latitude to make room for change, supplements or even diversions!
Step 3: When it's time for the lesson plans, make a basic plan for your week without specific work at this time. Include all the subjects you want to cover, as well as outside obligations. For instance, I know that on Monday and Thursday, my kiddo has classes outside the home. I go ahead and plug those into my schedule so that when I do sit down to do my lesson plans, I can account for those out of pocket times. I then move to write down the subjects we are planning to cover. I give a cursory look over the year and try to decide what we will realistically cover in a day with the given time I have allotted daily for "school."
Step 4: Make time in the year for field trips and enrichment activities to compliment your studies plus also to allow you and your child to grow in your learning and experiences, even it is not directly related to your studies. For instance, helping sort food at the church food pantry, singing Christmas carols at a local retirement home, or attending a Valentine's party hosted by your homeschool group can all be valuable in the growth and education of your child and family.
Step 5: Cut yourself some slack! Sticking to a rigid agenda will do more harm than good in my book. At least this has been my experience. Try to give yourself some "wiggle room" to be able to adjust your plans if needed. I still have a paper agenda that I keep and write in pencil just so I am not so "locked in" with pen. My OCD would require that anything written in pen and crossed out to be completely redone!! But I digress!! I have other friends that use online/electronic planners and then there is a whole set that don't use anything and make it up as they go along.
Getting started is always the hardest for me! My kiddo follows my lead and if I am enjoying this homeschool adventure, then so will he! (Well, for the most part!!) My attitude is just as important as his. After all, he isn't just paying attention when we are "doing school." This momma's always teaching and my kiddo's watching, even when I don't realize it!
I must say that the shock of my broken vow didn't hit me until I went to my local super center the other day and to my dismay, the school supplies are appearing on the shelf. To the average child, this is a major no-no but to me, it is just a glaring reminder of how I haven't been able to keep myself on task to keep my kiddo on task. After a little talk with myself and a nice piece of chocolate, I realize that the beauty of homeschooling is the flexibility of it all!
So, now that I that I feel better and understand that he and I can pick up right where we left off or start some place completely different. There is no right or wrong way to get started or better yet start again!
I came up with 5 steps to get me back into the groove and get this homeschool party started, quickly! Well, not too quickly because now that I look at our calendar all those plans I had need to wait until Mid-August.
Step 1: Look over all of your curriculum to make sure you have the topics you want covered. For instance, I have My Father's World, Math U See etc... Do a cursory look to make sure you have the items that will be needed such as books, manipulatives. If not, this is a perfect time to check with your local homeschool group, friends, stores and online to purchase or look at borrowing the items that will be needed. I have found waiting too close to the actual start of the school year causes a back log and often times out of stock situation.
Step 2: Don't plan too far ahead with those lesson plans. Getting started in your school year is stressful enough with sitting down to plan out 32-36 weeks of work at any given time. It's a good idea to know what you want to accomplish and/or topics you want to cover, but to be regimented to have every day and week accounted for at the beginning of your school year is just a pretty heady course! Even for those curriculums that have it spelled out daily for you, include some latitude to make room for change, supplements or even diversions!
Step 3: When it's time for the lesson plans, make a basic plan for your week without specific work at this time. Include all the subjects you want to cover, as well as outside obligations. For instance, I know that on Monday and Thursday, my kiddo has classes outside the home. I go ahead and plug those into my schedule so that when I do sit down to do my lesson plans, I can account for those out of pocket times. I then move to write down the subjects we are planning to cover. I give a cursory look over the year and try to decide what we will realistically cover in a day with the given time I have allotted daily for "school."
Step 4: Make time in the year for field trips and enrichment activities to compliment your studies plus also to allow you and your child to grow in your learning and experiences, even it is not directly related to your studies. For instance, helping sort food at the church food pantry, singing Christmas carols at a local retirement home, or attending a Valentine's party hosted by your homeschool group can all be valuable in the growth and education of your child and family.
Step 5: Cut yourself some slack! Sticking to a rigid agenda will do more harm than good in my book. At least this has been my experience. Try to give yourself some "wiggle room" to be able to adjust your plans if needed. I still have a paper agenda that I keep and write in pencil just so I am not so "locked in" with pen. My OCD would require that anything written in pen and crossed out to be completely redone!! But I digress!! I have other friends that use online/electronic planners and then there is a whole set that don't use anything and make it up as they go along.
Getting started is always the hardest for me! My kiddo follows my lead and if I am enjoying this homeschool adventure, then so will he! (Well, for the most part!!) My attitude is just as important as his. After all, he isn't just paying attention when we are "doing school." This momma's always teaching and my kiddo's watching, even when I don't realize it!
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Year of Adjustments
Well, we finished up the school year and we both came out unscathed! I must admit that G learned and grew this year and I learned a thing or two as well.
Not only did we grow closer together, we also made adjustments to our day, curriculum, schedule and so much more! I look back on this school year and duly deem it "THE YEAR of ADJUSTMENTS."
I must confess that I had every intention of continuing to school through the summer but wouldn't you know it -- we got busy!!! I currently keep telling myself G is still learning even if he doesn't have his head in a book or isn't leaning over some science project waiting for a chemical reaction. He has had many firsts already this summer that I could never teach him on my own.
He started out the summer with a week-long stay at overnight church camp, 2 1/2 hours from home. This was his first venture that far and that long without Mom or Dad!! We spent weeks preparing and checking our lists. Well, okay MY lists but none-the-less, he left prepared!! During his time away, he had to practice time management because each camper was responsible for being in his scheduled placed at the scheduled time with no help from the counselors. Also, he had to take responsibility for keeping up with all his belongings! I am happy to report, he only misplaced one tired old beach towel and for that I am actually grateful! He had to make choices as to what he wanted to do each day during his free time and had to make friends with virtual strangers, as he only had 2 friends he knew going on this week long jaunt. My biggest fear was hygiene! I was hoping he brushed, washed and generally didn't smell up the place!! After his return, his suitcase did not smell like a toxic waste-dump and he seemed to be in good general health and still had all his teeth. Overall, a successful venture and might I add, learning experience was had by all.
By "all", I mean me as well because I had to "let go and let God" lead this child. I had to trust that he was mature enough to handle the situations that came his way and be able to make informed decisions and follow directions. In addition, I had to let him actually go that far from me. As the mom of an only child, my common phrase is "I don't have a spare" so I must be extra careful with this one!! I kid but in honesty, I only get one time to send my kid to camp for the first time and one time to wait with baited breath for him to come home. Oh, I didn't mention there was no contact allowed while he was gone!! That was the hardest for me -- to not be able to talk with him and make sure he was okay! I think we both grew up a little that week and it didn't hurt either of us. Well, maybe just a little!
He also attended basketball camp for the week. I am not a sports minded person and to be honest, neither is my kiddo. But, I embraced his enthusiasm to try something new. He loved it and he learned to get out there and try his hardest. I would like to tell you that I have 3 point-line prodigy on my hands but sadly "no." What I do have is a kiddo that tries his hardest and has fun in the process. That is a lesson that can't be taught in books.
We have also had family visiting during various breaks in our summer vacation. Adding others to our family dynamic has taught him the art of sharing, compromise and also sacrifice. He also learned more about his extended family of aunts, uncles and cousins (both male and female that are his age). History and family bonding is also key to security and also knowing a little about where you come from in this life.
Much more is planned for our summer, including a nice family vacation to an exotic island!!(Not kidding -- can't wait!!) Prior to that, we have a VBS to help us learn how to conquer our fear with the Lord at our side and much much more.
So, I guess what I am saying is that we are "doing" school during the summer just not in the way that I previously envisioned. SO, I say "THE YEAR of ADJUSTMENTS" carries on into the summer months.
That's how this mom homeschools!!
Not only did we grow closer together, we also made adjustments to our day, curriculum, schedule and so much more! I look back on this school year and duly deem it "THE YEAR of ADJUSTMENTS."
I must confess that I had every intention of continuing to school through the summer but wouldn't you know it -- we got busy!!! I currently keep telling myself G is still learning even if he doesn't have his head in a book or isn't leaning over some science project waiting for a chemical reaction. He has had many firsts already this summer that I could never teach him on my own.
He started out the summer with a week-long stay at overnight church camp, 2 1/2 hours from home. This was his first venture that far and that long without Mom or Dad!! We spent weeks preparing and checking our lists. Well, okay MY lists but none-the-less, he left prepared!! During his time away, he had to practice time management because each camper was responsible for being in his scheduled placed at the scheduled time with no help from the counselors. Also, he had to take responsibility for keeping up with all his belongings! I am happy to report, he only misplaced one tired old beach towel and for that I am actually grateful! He had to make choices as to what he wanted to do each day during his free time and had to make friends with virtual strangers, as he only had 2 friends he knew going on this week long jaunt. My biggest fear was hygiene! I was hoping he brushed, washed and generally didn't smell up the place!! After his return, his suitcase did not smell like a toxic waste-dump and he seemed to be in good general health and still had all his teeth. Overall, a successful venture and might I add, learning experience was had by all.
By "all", I mean me as well because I had to "let go and let God" lead this child. I had to trust that he was mature enough to handle the situations that came his way and be able to make informed decisions and follow directions. In addition, I had to let him actually go that far from me. As the mom of an only child, my common phrase is "I don't have a spare" so I must be extra careful with this one!! I kid but in honesty, I only get one time to send my kid to camp for the first time and one time to wait with baited breath for him to come home. Oh, I didn't mention there was no contact allowed while he was gone!! That was the hardest for me -- to not be able to talk with him and make sure he was okay! I think we both grew up a little that week and it didn't hurt either of us. Well, maybe just a little!
He also attended basketball camp for the week. I am not a sports minded person and to be honest, neither is my kiddo. But, I embraced his enthusiasm to try something new. He loved it and he learned to get out there and try his hardest. I would like to tell you that I have 3 point-line prodigy on my hands but sadly "no." What I do have is a kiddo that tries his hardest and has fun in the process. That is a lesson that can't be taught in books.
We have also had family visiting during various breaks in our summer vacation. Adding others to our family dynamic has taught him the art of sharing, compromise and also sacrifice. He also learned more about his extended family of aunts, uncles and cousins (both male and female that are his age). History and family bonding is also key to security and also knowing a little about where you come from in this life.
Much more is planned for our summer, including a nice family vacation to an exotic island!!(Not kidding -- can't wait!!) Prior to that, we have a VBS to help us learn how to conquer our fear with the Lord at our side and much much more.
So, I guess what I am saying is that we are "doing" school during the summer just not in the way that I previously envisioned. SO, I say "THE YEAR of ADJUSTMENTS" carries on into the summer months.
That's how this mom homeschools!!
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Dry Ice FUN!
We just returned from a couple of days of family camp with our church. Today we spent the time cleaning and unpacking. I was pleasantly surprised to receive a delivery of our favorite ice cream, Working Cow this afternoon. We all look forward to the arrival of ice cream for many reasons. First, it's ICE CREAM!! Second, it comes packed in a nice cooler that hubby loves to use for his fishing trips. Third (and most exciting), is that it is kept cold in the cooler with dry ice.
The last time we received a shipment, we just talked about dry ice and it's make up with basic experiments of its reaction in water. This time we were prepared to step it up a notch by doing a little research on the Internet.
We took our usual precautions: I got my gloves and tongs and G is not allowed to touch the ice.
Our first experiment was bubbles.
We took warm water and placed a drop of dish detergent and food coloring in a container. Then added the dry ice. The results were impressive. Instead of the gassy cloud like with the water. Bubbles flowed over the side and when they were touched, they broke open allowing the carbon dioxide to escape.
The last time we received a shipment, we just talked about dry ice and it's make up with basic experiments of its reaction in water. This time we were prepared to step it up a notch by doing a little research on the Internet.
We took our usual precautions: I got my gloves and tongs and G is not allowed to touch the ice.
Our first experiment was bubbles.
We took warm water and placed a drop of dish detergent and food coloring in a container. Then added the dry ice. The results were impressive. Instead of the gassy cloud like with the water. Bubbles flowed over the side and when they were touched, they broke open allowing the carbon dioxide to escape.
Our next experiment was to blow a balloon up using dry ice. We took a water bottle and put dry ice pellets in it. Then we attached a balloon on the neck of the bottle and shook it until it inflated. Once it was inflated. We blew up another balloon with our mouth. Then we compared the weight of the balloons and the dry ice balloon was heavier. We also dropped them at the same time and the dry ice balloon fell faster.
The next experiment was to put an inch of water in a bowl and drop a piece of dry ice in the bowl. The smoking started. We then blew bubbles from our bubble wand onto the mixture. What you see are bubbles that appear to float on the cloud.
At the start of our experiments, we put a piece of regular ice in a bowl and a piece of dry ice in a bowl. We watched from time to time and after an hour, we saw that the ice cube had melted to water and the dry ice just disappeared or dissipated (the word we learned today).
Now we have had our science lesson complete with experiments, vocabulary and explanations of carbon dioxide vs oxygen and water.
It's now time for ice cream!!!
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Tummy woes, Cuddles and more....
The last week of our life, my poor baby boy was hit with the nasty stomach flu (aka - rota-virus). It was not pretty and he even missed out on his First Lego League State Championship Tournament that he has worked so hard for the past 6 months! Yep, it was that bad!!
We are recouping and shuffling to get things done. Things like the laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning and more cleaning to rid our home of any traces of the remaining demon plague. In addition, we're trying to get some school work done.
A couple of good things come out of his being sick. I know, I know... how can I find pleasure in my little one's obvious discomfort??? But, while he was sick, he really wanted to cuddle and just be with me!! No fussing, no fighting, no back-talking, no nothing -- just those sweet blue eyes looking at me and pleading for me to make it all go away. In the midst of the cuddles, he would sleep and rest which is an obvious sign of his illness because this kiddo doesn't stop for anything other than TV and video games.
After the awful weekend, he felt he was well enough to make it to his robotics class on Monday. But, those two hours wiped him out and he was back down for a long winter's nap. For the next couple of days, he lounged on the couch sipping his Gatorade and nibbling crackers while I read to him. We read fiction and non-fiction books that corresponded to the our current study of India in My Father's World. We also did some math drills vs trying to do our lessons on the computer. It was a really sweet time of just bonding and spending time together.
Now my kiddo is on the mend and even went to Awana last night. This morning he shocked me with eating dry Mini-wheats and asking for a side of apple sauce. The appetite is returning. He has gone back to getting his regularly scheduled lessons done on his own but I have kept some reading to do with him later today because I know he will soon run out of energy and need a few cuddles to recharge his batteries.
At this point in his sweet life, (even before he got sick), he ran to see me each morning for "cuddles." I was explaining to him this morning that one day he would no longer want to cuddle with mom and yes "Mommy-kisses" would be gross. He laughed it off and hugged me and said "never!!" Oh my wonderful boy - oh that time will come and YES, it will much too soon for your momma. That being said, I will relish the time that he still thinks Mom is the greatest and delegates the first hugs and kisses of the day to me, even if it takes a stomach bug to make it happen!
We are recouping and shuffling to get things done. Things like the laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning and more cleaning to rid our home of any traces of the remaining demon plague. In addition, we're trying to get some school work done.
A couple of good things come out of his being sick. I know, I know... how can I find pleasure in my little one's obvious discomfort??? But, while he was sick, he really wanted to cuddle and just be with me!! No fussing, no fighting, no back-talking, no nothing -- just those sweet blue eyes looking at me and pleading for me to make it all go away. In the midst of the cuddles, he would sleep and rest which is an obvious sign of his illness because this kiddo doesn't stop for anything other than TV and video games.
After the awful weekend, he felt he was well enough to make it to his robotics class on Monday. But, those two hours wiped him out and he was back down for a long winter's nap. For the next couple of days, he lounged on the couch sipping his Gatorade and nibbling crackers while I read to him. We read fiction and non-fiction books that corresponded to the our current study of India in My Father's World. We also did some math drills vs trying to do our lessons on the computer. It was a really sweet time of just bonding and spending time together.
Now my kiddo is on the mend and even went to Awana last night. This morning he shocked me with eating dry Mini-wheats and asking for a side of apple sauce. The appetite is returning. He has gone back to getting his regularly scheduled lessons done on his own but I have kept some reading to do with him later today because I know he will soon run out of energy and need a few cuddles to recharge his batteries.
At this point in his sweet life, (even before he got sick), he ran to see me each morning for "cuddles." I was explaining to him this morning that one day he would no longer want to cuddle with mom and yes "Mommy-kisses" would be gross. He laughed it off and hugged me and said "never!!" Oh my wonderful boy - oh that time will come and YES, it will much too soon for your momma. That being said, I will relish the time that he still thinks Mom is the greatest and delegates the first hugs and kisses of the day to me, even if it takes a stomach bug to make it happen!
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Spur of the moment lesson
My kiddo has been sick all week so the lesson plans had to be tweaked to include pretty much the stuff I read to him. Fortunately, he enjoys being read to and liked the subject matter too!! The other stuff like grammar, spelling, math, etc will be left until later this week or possibly just moved onto next week's docket.
Yesterday, finally merited a trip to the doctor for a dose of antibiotics to cure what ails the little fella. Fortunately, it was just a severe sinus infection, so all the Mucinex and Netipot rinses were futile against the strain. Anyway, a day later he is better but weak but not too weak for me to incorporate some of my fledgling lesson plans. We still scaled back because he doesn't have too much energy or focus. To be honest, I had some things I needed to get done so, that added to the subtraction of the workload. See how I did that?? I worked math into the "equation." LOL -- That's my attempt at humor.
Anyway, earlier this afternoon we received a shipment of ice cream that I had ordered from a local business. They delivered them in two nice coolers and packed both boxes with dry ice. My kiddo had seen dry ice but only at a distance at a summer camp he attended last year. Hubby decided that it was a good time for an impromptu science lesson including the merits of dry ice, the dangers of dry ice and the coolness (no pun intended) of dry ice!!
To be honest, while they were doing this little experiment of theirs, I was thinking they are nuts but then I realized that my kiddo was excited and he learned something all at the same time. It reminded me that everything in life and in the day can be a lesson. Granted we don't have dry ice delivered to our door step every day and this was a little out of the ordinary. But, why can't we make lessons out of the mundane and the extreme?
Kiddo loved it and we got science in today too and it was not planned all at! That's a win/win in my book!!
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
People are talking about homeschooling quite a lot these days. Not sure if it is more than usual or if I am more hyper-sensitive to the subject now that we are a homeschooling family. Nonetheless, people have a distorted and often times, misunderstood view of what homeschooling is all about. I must admit that before I started homeschooling two years ago, I totally couldn't relate and held onto some these perceptions regarding homeschooling.
I thought that those kids that were homeschooled were less socialized and unable to function in society. Don't get me wrong, there are those kids in the homeschool world but the same goes for the those that attend traditional, brick and mortar schools too. Bottom line, a kid's personality has nothing to do where he/she is educated. Awkward, quiet kids will still exist right along side those out-going, confident types in any situation. I see it in church, at the park, and organized and unorganized function. But, I can honestly say that in my experience, my kiddo has become more comfortable talking and interacting with people of all ages and levels not just those in his grade now that he homeschooled.
I thought that those poor homeschool kids didn't get to do all the fun stuff that their peers "at school" did, like field trips, computer class, art, music. In reality, my kiddo has gotten more exposure in those areas and many more choices that aren't even offered in the standard school format! He has blossomed in his two years at home. He has had the opportunity to take "normal" field trips and sit right alongside his traditional school peers in the same venue. So, in essence he hasn't missed a thing!!
I thought there was a uniform approach to homeschooling. In that same manner, I thought they were the folks that churned their own butter, made their own clothes and were very, very conservative. That is not necessarily the case. I have met homeschool families from many different backgrounds, approaches, ethnic and socio-economic levels. There is not one set "type" of family that chooses to homeschool. I've seen families with very conservative dress and values standing alongside the tattoo-pierced bunch with no conflict. Diversity is an added bonus to homeschooling. It's not just the kids that exposed to it but their families too!
I honestly thought there is no way I could teach my son because I was not a teacher and certainly lacked the patience for teaching. To be fair, the patience aspect is still an issue that I am working on but the teacher complaint doesn't really hold water. After all, who taught my child how to tie his shoes, say the alphabet, to use the potty, to spell his name, etc? The answer is me and my hubby. From the day, the nurse layed that tiny bundle in my arms, my classroom opened and his mind began to expand. I can't give up the teaching role just because he may go to a formal school, because once he comes home, the teaching continues with values, morals, expectations, and so on!
I have seen articles written by private school principals talking down the virtues, merits and contributions of the homeschool and virtual school approaches. Just today, I saw a post on Facebook from a news personality asking about "unschooling" and the comments were not at all positive and to be honest, not even remotely correct. Also, I have heard of families being openly criticized by their own extended families for choosing to homeschool. People just don't understand that there is no right or wrong way to homeschool. They assume we are doing our children a disservice. But now as a full-fledged member of the homeschool community, I know it couldn't be further from the truth!!
It is very easy to judge until a person has actually walked in the shoes of another. So, we need to do our best to shed light and explain why we homeschool to others so that they too can change their perception of the homeschool process. As I tell my friends, homeschooling is not for everyone but for those of us that are called to do so, have an open mind and realize that our mold is not necessarily a one-size fits all approach to life or education. That's the beauty of homeschooling!! It's the freedom to do what works for your family!!
I thought that those kids that were homeschooled were less socialized and unable to function in society. Don't get me wrong, there are those kids in the homeschool world but the same goes for the those that attend traditional, brick and mortar schools too. Bottom line, a kid's personality has nothing to do where he/she is educated. Awkward, quiet kids will still exist right along side those out-going, confident types in any situation. I see it in church, at the park, and organized and unorganized function. But, I can honestly say that in my experience, my kiddo has become more comfortable talking and interacting with people of all ages and levels not just those in his grade now that he homeschooled.
I thought that those poor homeschool kids didn't get to do all the fun stuff that their peers "at school" did, like field trips, computer class, art, music. In reality, my kiddo has gotten more exposure in those areas and many more choices that aren't even offered in the standard school format! He has blossomed in his two years at home. He has had the opportunity to take "normal" field trips and sit right alongside his traditional school peers in the same venue. So, in essence he hasn't missed a thing!!
I thought there was a uniform approach to homeschooling. In that same manner, I thought they were the folks that churned their own butter, made their own clothes and were very, very conservative. That is not necessarily the case. I have met homeschool families from many different backgrounds, approaches, ethnic and socio-economic levels. There is not one set "type" of family that chooses to homeschool. I've seen families with very conservative dress and values standing alongside the tattoo-pierced bunch with no conflict. Diversity is an added bonus to homeschooling. It's not just the kids that exposed to it but their families too!
I honestly thought there is no way I could teach my son because I was not a teacher and certainly lacked the patience for teaching. To be fair, the patience aspect is still an issue that I am working on but the teacher complaint doesn't really hold water. After all, who taught my child how to tie his shoes, say the alphabet, to use the potty, to spell his name, etc? The answer is me and my hubby. From the day, the nurse layed that tiny bundle in my arms, my classroom opened and his mind began to expand. I can't give up the teaching role just because he may go to a formal school, because once he comes home, the teaching continues with values, morals, expectations, and so on!
I have seen articles written by private school principals talking down the virtues, merits and contributions of the homeschool and virtual school approaches. Just today, I saw a post on Facebook from a news personality asking about "unschooling" and the comments were not at all positive and to be honest, not even remotely correct. Also, I have heard of families being openly criticized by their own extended families for choosing to homeschool. People just don't understand that there is no right or wrong way to homeschool. They assume we are doing our children a disservice. But now as a full-fledged member of the homeschool community, I know it couldn't be further from the truth!!
It is very easy to judge until a person has actually walked in the shoes of another. So, we need to do our best to shed light and explain why we homeschool to others so that they too can change their perception of the homeschool process. As I tell my friends, homeschooling is not for everyone but for those of us that are called to do so, have an open mind and realize that our mold is not necessarily a one-size fits all approach to life or education. That's the beauty of homeschooling!! It's the freedom to do what works for your family!!
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Rough start
We started back to "work"on Monday after almost a month off from school. Well, I took the month off but the kiddo did continue to do some of his independent work until the 15th of Dec. But now we are back and let me tell you that it is H-A-R-D!!!
My attitude has a lot to do with it. I was totally out of the loop and not wanting to teach or get back to work. My kiddo matched my attitude huff for huff. So, let me tell you that this has not been a good week for us. I have also noticed that G's stuttering has been especially bad this week. I feel totally responsible and feel it may be due to the pressure cooker we have been in the last couple of days.
Last night, I finally told hubby how I felt. This morning I let the kiddo know that things had to change. I apologized for my behavior and asked the kiddo for his help. I explained how he and I "feed off" of each other in regards to attitude. He and I agreed that we both need some adjustments.
We started this morning much different than the 1st 3 days of this week. We prayed and then cuddled for 15 minutes.We missed out on the cuddle time this week since I just wanted to get our school work. Boy, that was something he and I both needed. Anyway, after our prayer, we discussed our day and how we wanted it to go. I explained all that we needed to do today and asked for his input.
He and I then went and got dressed before we started our day. (Something we hadn't done all this week). Then we had some breakfast over which I read some of our Bible books so we could get started but also be relaxed. Next, we finished the rest of our Bible work. Then I gave the kiddo a break and he and Dad shot some hoops for about 10 minutes. That made such a difference.
For our lessons today, I had planned some DVDs to wind down our current study of France. Kiddo and I both enjoyed them as they were low key and a review of what we had already learned. Next we moved to math, in which we paused our Teaching Textbooks study to remind ourselves of math basics. So, this week and possibly next, is math fact refresher week for addition, subtraction and multiplication. We started a new DVD today called Time Tales!! It seems to be working for him!! I am hoping to build his confidence up with multiplication before moving forward with his normal math lessons. I may even have a day each week where we just do math refreshers vs moving forward with new lessons.
As our day continues, we will mark off items on our list but take the occasional break for a few minutes of outdoor play and/or cuddles!
Lots to do but a lot less stressful for us both. But, I have learned not to take such a long break and am even considering the possibility of schooling year round. This year round process would of course include short breaks and vacations. But we have time to make that decision. I am just glad that today is better than yesterday!!
I hope your week goes smoothly too.
My attitude has a lot to do with it. I was totally out of the loop and not wanting to teach or get back to work. My kiddo matched my attitude huff for huff. So, let me tell you that this has not been a good week for us. I have also noticed that G's stuttering has been especially bad this week. I feel totally responsible and feel it may be due to the pressure cooker we have been in the last couple of days.
Last night, I finally told hubby how I felt. This morning I let the kiddo know that things had to change. I apologized for my behavior and asked the kiddo for his help. I explained how he and I "feed off" of each other in regards to attitude. He and I agreed that we both need some adjustments.
We started this morning much different than the 1st 3 days of this week. We prayed and then cuddled for 15 minutes.We missed out on the cuddle time this week since I just wanted to get our school work. Boy, that was something he and I both needed. Anyway, after our prayer, we discussed our day and how we wanted it to go. I explained all that we needed to do today and asked for his input.
He and I then went and got dressed before we started our day. (Something we hadn't done all this week). Then we had some breakfast over which I read some of our Bible books so we could get started but also be relaxed. Next, we finished the rest of our Bible work. Then I gave the kiddo a break and he and Dad shot some hoops for about 10 minutes. That made such a difference.
For our lessons today, I had planned some DVDs to wind down our current study of France. Kiddo and I both enjoyed them as they were low key and a review of what we had already learned. Next we moved to math, in which we paused our Teaching Textbooks study to remind ourselves of math basics. So, this week and possibly next, is math fact refresher week for addition, subtraction and multiplication. We started a new DVD today called Time Tales!! It seems to be working for him!! I am hoping to build his confidence up with multiplication before moving forward with his normal math lessons. I may even have a day each week where we just do math refreshers vs moving forward with new lessons.
As our day continues, we will mark off items on our list but take the occasional break for a few minutes of outdoor play and/or cuddles!
Lots to do but a lot less stressful for us both. But, I have learned not to take such a long break and am even considering the possibility of schooling year round. This year round process would of course include short breaks and vacations. But we have time to make that decision. I am just glad that today is better than yesterday!!
I hope your week goes smoothly too.
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