Summer is in full swing here at our house!! We are in the process of transforming hubby's old office in our new homeschool room. Well, "in the process" may be a bit of a stretch because as I type, the room has become the Bermuda triangle of stuff we don't know what to do with for the entire house. Ironically, the room in which hubby now inhabits as his home office once was the delegated land for storing items we weren't ready to part with at the time.
Thus my dilemma, as I am not sure where to start. The analogy about eating an elephant one bite at a time definitely applies here. I would like to say that I hold hubby responsible as he has old office items in there but in reality, it the general household collection. These so-called bites are totally up to me and the boy to start working on and not poor ol' hubs!
I tarry and type blog posts or work on other items as I really don't want to even start dealing with that room. But as with all things, it can't be ignored forever and it surely isn't going away on its own. The shocker is that when I started filing the room with junk several months ago, I felt I had plenty of time to get this cleared and organized before the start of our new school year. Well, the school year is breathing down my neck along with my incomplete lesson plans. The positive way to look at is is that I now have a junk room with a classroom hidden down deep. Just need to start digging!
Sounds like the kiddo and I need to pull up our sleeves and get in there and start to cleaning and de-cluttering. Once that is over, then the organizing and requisite trips to IKEA can ensue.
I just pray we don't get sucked into the triangle never to be seen again! LOL On the bright side, I am sure there is a lesson in there somewhere! At least that's how this momma homeschools! (Wish me luck!)
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