Well, we finished up the school year and we both came out unscathed! I must admit that G learned and grew this year and I learned a thing or two as well.
Not only did we grow closer together, we also made adjustments to our day, curriculum, schedule and so much more! I look back on this school year and duly deem it "THE YEAR of ADJUSTMENTS."
I must confess that I had every intention of continuing to school through the summer but wouldn't you know it -- we got busy!!! I currently keep telling myself G is still learning even if he doesn't have his head in a book or isn't leaning over some science project waiting for a chemical reaction. He has had many firsts already this summer that I could never teach him on my own.
He started out the summer with a week-long stay at overnight church camp, 2 1/2 hours from home. This was his first venture that far and that long without Mom or Dad!! We spent weeks preparing and checking our lists. Well, okay MY lists but none-the-less, he left prepared!! During his time away, he had to practice time management because each camper was responsible for being in his scheduled placed at the scheduled time with no help from the counselors. Also, he had to take responsibility for keeping up with all his belongings! I am happy to report, he only misplaced one tired old beach towel and for that I am actually grateful! He had to make choices as to what he wanted to do each day during his free time and had to make friends with virtual strangers, as he only had 2 friends he knew going on this week long jaunt. My biggest fear was hygiene! I was hoping he brushed, washed and generally didn't smell up the place!! After his return, his suitcase did not smell like a toxic waste-dump and he seemed to be in good general health and still had all his teeth. Overall, a successful venture and might I add, learning experience was had by all.
By "all", I mean me as well because I had to "let go and let God" lead this child. I had to trust that he was mature enough to handle the situations that came his way and be able to make informed decisions and follow directions. In addition, I had to let him actually go that far from me. As the mom of an only child, my common phrase is "I don't have a spare" so I must be extra careful with this one!! I kid but in honesty, I only get one time to send my kid to camp for the first time and one time to wait with baited breath for him to come home. Oh, I didn't mention there was no contact allowed while he was gone!! That was the hardest for me -- to not be able to talk with him and make sure he was okay! I think we both grew up a little that week and it didn't hurt either of us. Well, maybe just a little!
He also attended basketball camp for the week. I am not a sports minded person and to be honest, neither is my kiddo. But, I embraced his enthusiasm to try something new. He loved it and he learned to get out there and try his hardest. I would like to tell you that I have 3 point-line prodigy on my hands but sadly "no." What I do have is a kiddo that tries his hardest and has fun in the process. That is a lesson that can't be taught in books.
We have also had family visiting during various breaks in our summer vacation. Adding others to our family dynamic has taught him the art of sharing, compromise and also sacrifice. He also learned more about his extended family of aunts, uncles and cousins (both male and female that are his age). History and family bonding is also key to security and also knowing a little about where you come from in this life.
Much more is planned for our summer, including a nice family vacation to an exotic island!!(Not kidding -- can't wait!!) Prior to that, we have a VBS to help us learn how to conquer our fear with the Lord at our side and much much more.
So, I guess what I am saying is that we are "doing" school during the summer just not in the way that I previously envisioned. SO, I say "THE YEAR of ADJUSTMENTS" carries on into the summer months.
That's how this mom homeschools!!
Isn't that life though... always having to adjust! Love your blog post and it is truly good to know that with God by our side, we shall have no fears! :)