Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Finding Me

Okay! Okay!! I've been a bit of a slacker with this blogging thing. It is kind of a "thing" with me. I start blogs, am really gung-ho and then I slowly delegate them to the back burner of my very busy life. I guess in reality, I do that for most things that I enjoy. As a matter of fact, I really enjoy writing -- be it a blog or in a journal or articles or what ever, but I just don't make the time. Notice I didn't say, I don't have the time because in reality, I could carve out just a little more time for the things I enjoy. But honestly, do most moms do that? Or most parents for that matter?

Homeschooling my kiddo is great but it has cut into my "me" time. Back when he atended school, I had so much more time to get the normal day to day stuff done but sneak in some quality time with my friends or the occasional lunch date with hubby and if I timed it right, I could catch an early movie all before car line.

But I knew that going into all of this. I am not upset or disappointed. I just need to be a better time manager. For instance, the time I spend on Facebook may be better spent writing in my journal or making calls to my friends just to catch up on life.  On those rare evenings when hubby is not traveling, we could have a make shift date night after G goes to bed just to reconnect. There are some subtle changes that I could make. I just need to evaluate how I currently spend my time and look for ways to eek out a little more time here and there.

I feel, connecting with other people is key but not more important than connecting with myself. What I mean by that is not to allow homeschooling, mothering, housekeeping, etc make me lose "who I am." I can't lose my identity as an individual just because I spend a lot of time with my kiddo.

I am in awe of homeschooling moms who write books, participate in art shows, tackle marathons, run businesses, and so on. The next time I catch myself standing slack jawed as these ladies walk by, I am going to remind myself that we all have the same 24 hours in a day. We all have children, or my case just one child, that we are educating at home. We are all at different seasons in life. And let's face it, they get it all done with a little help from somewhere.

That help may come in the form of a spouse or a friend or grandparents or paid classes or very independent learners. Whatever the case, nothing is impossible if I just put my mind too it. 

 Now the "great American novel" will have to wait as it is very far down my "bucket" list. I would however settle for updating my blogs and doing something that reminds me of "me." That would make this homeschooling mama very happy!! You know what they say, "if Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy." (pardon the grammar and word choice -- I didn't write it -- just quoted it.) I think that's a win-win for everyone! I am sure that G would agree.

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