Summer is in full swing here at our house!! We are in the process of transforming hubby's old office in our new homeschool room. Well, "in the process" may be a bit of a stretch because as I type, the room has become the Bermuda triangle of stuff we don't know what to do with for the entire house. Ironically, the room in which hubby now inhabits as his home office once was the delegated land for storing items we weren't ready to part with at the time.
Thus my dilemma, as I am not sure where to start. The analogy about eating an elephant one bite at a time definitely applies here. I would like to say that I hold hubby responsible as he has old office items in there but in reality, it the general household collection. These so-called bites are totally up to me and the boy to start working on and not poor ol' hubs!
I tarry and type blog posts or work on other items as I really don't want to even start dealing with that room. But as with all things, it can't be ignored forever and it surely isn't going away on its own. The shocker is that when I started filing the room with junk several months ago, I felt I had plenty of time to get this cleared and organized before the start of our new school year. Well, the school year is breathing down my neck along with my incomplete lesson plans. The positive way to look at is is that I now have a junk room with a classroom hidden down deep. Just need to start digging!
Sounds like the kiddo and I need to pull up our sleeves and get in there and start to cleaning and de-cluttering. Once that is over, then the organizing and requisite trips to IKEA can ensue.
I just pray we don't get sucked into the triangle never to be seen again! LOL On the bright side, I am sure there is a lesson in there somewhere! At least that's how this momma homeschools! (Wish me luck!)

My ramblings, rants, brags, observations and whatever else I encounter as we embark on our fourth year homeschooling our son. My blog title was inspired by those easy readers of old in the Dick & Jane series. If those books were easy then (maybe) this homeschooling thing won't be so hard either! LOL I'm not sure about my hypothesis! Join me on my journey and we can find out together.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Monday, July 15, 2013
Give Me a Break - getting started again!
Here I am, heading into my 3rd year on this homeschool adventure!! Each year as the school year seems to wind down and we get to the end of the pages in curriculum, I make a vow to myself and to my kiddo that we are not going to stop schooling. I have these grandiose plans to school year round with a lighter workload in the summer months. I have figments of fun math activities to solidify facts and the completion of science projects delegated to the back burner dancing in my head!! But, as soon as the summer months hit, we fill it will VBS, summer camps, vacations, play dates and family visits!!
I must say that the shock of my broken vow didn't hit me until I went to my local super center the other day and to my dismay, the school supplies are appearing on the shelf. To the average child, this is a major no-no but to me, it is just a glaring reminder of how I haven't been able to keep myself on task to keep my kiddo on task. After a little talk with myself and a nice piece of chocolate, I realize that the beauty of homeschooling is the flexibility of it all!
So, now that I that I feel better and understand that he and I can pick up right where we left off or start some place completely different. There is no right or wrong way to get started or better yet start again!
I came up with 5 steps to get me back into the groove and get this homeschool party started, quickly! Well, not too quickly because now that I look at our calendar all those plans I had need to wait until Mid-August.
Step 1: Look over all of your curriculum to make sure you have the topics you want covered. For instance, I have My Father's World, Math U See etc... Do a cursory look to make sure you have the items that will be needed such as books, manipulatives. If not, this is a perfect time to check with your local homeschool group, friends, stores and online to purchase or look at borrowing the items that will be needed. I have found waiting too close to the actual start of the school year causes a back log and often times out of stock situation.
Step 2: Don't plan too far ahead with those lesson plans. Getting started in your school year is stressful enough with sitting down to plan out 32-36 weeks of work at any given time. It's a good idea to know what you want to accomplish and/or topics you want to cover, but to be regimented to have every day and week accounted for at the beginning of your school year is just a pretty heady course! Even for those curriculums that have it spelled out daily for you, include some latitude to make room for change, supplements or even diversions!
Step 3: When it's time for the lesson plans, make a basic plan for your week without specific work at this time. Include all the subjects you want to cover, as well as outside obligations. For instance, I know that on Monday and Thursday, my kiddo has classes outside the home. I go ahead and plug those into my schedule so that when I do sit down to do my lesson plans, I can account for those out of pocket times. I then move to write down the subjects we are planning to cover. I give a cursory look over the year and try to decide what we will realistically cover in a day with the given time I have allotted daily for "school."
Step 4: Make time in the year for field trips and enrichment activities to compliment your studies plus also to allow you and your child to grow in your learning and experiences, even it is not directly related to your studies. For instance, helping sort food at the church food pantry, singing Christmas carols at a local retirement home, or attending a Valentine's party hosted by your homeschool group can all be valuable in the growth and education of your child and family.
Step 5: Cut yourself some slack! Sticking to a rigid agenda will do more harm than good in my book. At least this has been my experience. Try to give yourself some "wiggle room" to be able to adjust your plans if needed. I still have a paper agenda that I keep and write in pencil just so I am not so "locked in" with pen. My OCD would require that anything written in pen and crossed out to be completely redone!! But I digress!! I have other friends that use online/electronic planners and then there is a whole set that don't use anything and make it up as they go along.
Getting started is always the hardest for me! My kiddo follows my lead and if I am enjoying this homeschool adventure, then so will he! (Well, for the most part!!) My attitude is just as important as his. After all, he isn't just paying attention when we are "doing school." This momma's always teaching and my kiddo's watching, even when I don't realize it!
I must say that the shock of my broken vow didn't hit me until I went to my local super center the other day and to my dismay, the school supplies are appearing on the shelf. To the average child, this is a major no-no but to me, it is just a glaring reminder of how I haven't been able to keep myself on task to keep my kiddo on task. After a little talk with myself and a nice piece of chocolate, I realize that the beauty of homeschooling is the flexibility of it all!
So, now that I that I feel better and understand that he and I can pick up right where we left off or start some place completely different. There is no right or wrong way to get started or better yet start again!
I came up with 5 steps to get me back into the groove and get this homeschool party started, quickly! Well, not too quickly because now that I look at our calendar all those plans I had need to wait until Mid-August.
Step 1: Look over all of your curriculum to make sure you have the topics you want covered. For instance, I have My Father's World, Math U See etc... Do a cursory look to make sure you have the items that will be needed such as books, manipulatives. If not, this is a perfect time to check with your local homeschool group, friends, stores and online to purchase or look at borrowing the items that will be needed. I have found waiting too close to the actual start of the school year causes a back log and often times out of stock situation.
Step 2: Don't plan too far ahead with those lesson plans. Getting started in your school year is stressful enough with sitting down to plan out 32-36 weeks of work at any given time. It's a good idea to know what you want to accomplish and/or topics you want to cover, but to be regimented to have every day and week accounted for at the beginning of your school year is just a pretty heady course! Even for those curriculums that have it spelled out daily for you, include some latitude to make room for change, supplements or even diversions!
Step 3: When it's time for the lesson plans, make a basic plan for your week without specific work at this time. Include all the subjects you want to cover, as well as outside obligations. For instance, I know that on Monday and Thursday, my kiddo has classes outside the home. I go ahead and plug those into my schedule so that when I do sit down to do my lesson plans, I can account for those out of pocket times. I then move to write down the subjects we are planning to cover. I give a cursory look over the year and try to decide what we will realistically cover in a day with the given time I have allotted daily for "school."
Step 4: Make time in the year for field trips and enrichment activities to compliment your studies plus also to allow you and your child to grow in your learning and experiences, even it is not directly related to your studies. For instance, helping sort food at the church food pantry, singing Christmas carols at a local retirement home, or attending a Valentine's party hosted by your homeschool group can all be valuable in the growth and education of your child and family.
Step 5: Cut yourself some slack! Sticking to a rigid agenda will do more harm than good in my book. At least this has been my experience. Try to give yourself some "wiggle room" to be able to adjust your plans if needed. I still have a paper agenda that I keep and write in pencil just so I am not so "locked in" with pen. My OCD would require that anything written in pen and crossed out to be completely redone!! But I digress!! I have other friends that use online/electronic planners and then there is a whole set that don't use anything and make it up as they go along.
Getting started is always the hardest for me! My kiddo follows my lead and if I am enjoying this homeschool adventure, then so will he! (Well, for the most part!!) My attitude is just as important as his. After all, he isn't just paying attention when we are "doing school." This momma's always teaching and my kiddo's watching, even when I don't realize it!
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Year of Adjustments
Well, we finished up the school year and we both came out unscathed! I must admit that G learned and grew this year and I learned a thing or two as well.
Not only did we grow closer together, we also made adjustments to our day, curriculum, schedule and so much more! I look back on this school year and duly deem it "THE YEAR of ADJUSTMENTS."
I must confess that I had every intention of continuing to school through the summer but wouldn't you know it -- we got busy!!! I currently keep telling myself G is still learning even if he doesn't have his head in a book or isn't leaning over some science project waiting for a chemical reaction. He has had many firsts already this summer that I could never teach him on my own.
He started out the summer with a week-long stay at overnight church camp, 2 1/2 hours from home. This was his first venture that far and that long without Mom or Dad!! We spent weeks preparing and checking our lists. Well, okay MY lists but none-the-less, he left prepared!! During his time away, he had to practice time management because each camper was responsible for being in his scheduled placed at the scheduled time with no help from the counselors. Also, he had to take responsibility for keeping up with all his belongings! I am happy to report, he only misplaced one tired old beach towel and for that I am actually grateful! He had to make choices as to what he wanted to do each day during his free time and had to make friends with virtual strangers, as he only had 2 friends he knew going on this week long jaunt. My biggest fear was hygiene! I was hoping he brushed, washed and generally didn't smell up the place!! After his return, his suitcase did not smell like a toxic waste-dump and he seemed to be in good general health and still had all his teeth. Overall, a successful venture and might I add, learning experience was had by all.
By "all", I mean me as well because I had to "let go and let God" lead this child. I had to trust that he was mature enough to handle the situations that came his way and be able to make informed decisions and follow directions. In addition, I had to let him actually go that far from me. As the mom of an only child, my common phrase is "I don't have a spare" so I must be extra careful with this one!! I kid but in honesty, I only get one time to send my kid to camp for the first time and one time to wait with baited breath for him to come home. Oh, I didn't mention there was no contact allowed while he was gone!! That was the hardest for me -- to not be able to talk with him and make sure he was okay! I think we both grew up a little that week and it didn't hurt either of us. Well, maybe just a little!
He also attended basketball camp for the week. I am not a sports minded person and to be honest, neither is my kiddo. But, I embraced his enthusiasm to try something new. He loved it and he learned to get out there and try his hardest. I would like to tell you that I have 3 point-line prodigy on my hands but sadly "no." What I do have is a kiddo that tries his hardest and has fun in the process. That is a lesson that can't be taught in books.
We have also had family visiting during various breaks in our summer vacation. Adding others to our family dynamic has taught him the art of sharing, compromise and also sacrifice. He also learned more about his extended family of aunts, uncles and cousins (both male and female that are his age). History and family bonding is also key to security and also knowing a little about where you come from in this life.
Much more is planned for our summer, including a nice family vacation to an exotic island!!(Not kidding -- can't wait!!) Prior to that, we have a VBS to help us learn how to conquer our fear with the Lord at our side and much much more.
So, I guess what I am saying is that we are "doing" school during the summer just not in the way that I previously envisioned. SO, I say "THE YEAR of ADJUSTMENTS" carries on into the summer months.
That's how this mom homeschools!!
Not only did we grow closer together, we also made adjustments to our day, curriculum, schedule and so much more! I look back on this school year and duly deem it "THE YEAR of ADJUSTMENTS."
I must confess that I had every intention of continuing to school through the summer but wouldn't you know it -- we got busy!!! I currently keep telling myself G is still learning even if he doesn't have his head in a book or isn't leaning over some science project waiting for a chemical reaction. He has had many firsts already this summer that I could never teach him on my own.
He started out the summer with a week-long stay at overnight church camp, 2 1/2 hours from home. This was his first venture that far and that long without Mom or Dad!! We spent weeks preparing and checking our lists. Well, okay MY lists but none-the-less, he left prepared!! During his time away, he had to practice time management because each camper was responsible for being in his scheduled placed at the scheduled time with no help from the counselors. Also, he had to take responsibility for keeping up with all his belongings! I am happy to report, he only misplaced one tired old beach towel and for that I am actually grateful! He had to make choices as to what he wanted to do each day during his free time and had to make friends with virtual strangers, as he only had 2 friends he knew going on this week long jaunt. My biggest fear was hygiene! I was hoping he brushed, washed and generally didn't smell up the place!! After his return, his suitcase did not smell like a toxic waste-dump and he seemed to be in good general health and still had all his teeth. Overall, a successful venture and might I add, learning experience was had by all.
By "all", I mean me as well because I had to "let go and let God" lead this child. I had to trust that he was mature enough to handle the situations that came his way and be able to make informed decisions and follow directions. In addition, I had to let him actually go that far from me. As the mom of an only child, my common phrase is "I don't have a spare" so I must be extra careful with this one!! I kid but in honesty, I only get one time to send my kid to camp for the first time and one time to wait with baited breath for him to come home. Oh, I didn't mention there was no contact allowed while he was gone!! That was the hardest for me -- to not be able to talk with him and make sure he was okay! I think we both grew up a little that week and it didn't hurt either of us. Well, maybe just a little!
He also attended basketball camp for the week. I am not a sports minded person and to be honest, neither is my kiddo. But, I embraced his enthusiasm to try something new. He loved it and he learned to get out there and try his hardest. I would like to tell you that I have 3 point-line prodigy on my hands but sadly "no." What I do have is a kiddo that tries his hardest and has fun in the process. That is a lesson that can't be taught in books.
We have also had family visiting during various breaks in our summer vacation. Adding others to our family dynamic has taught him the art of sharing, compromise and also sacrifice. He also learned more about his extended family of aunts, uncles and cousins (both male and female that are his age). History and family bonding is also key to security and also knowing a little about where you come from in this life.
Much more is planned for our summer, including a nice family vacation to an exotic island!!(Not kidding -- can't wait!!) Prior to that, we have a VBS to help us learn how to conquer our fear with the Lord at our side and much much more.
So, I guess what I am saying is that we are "doing" school during the summer just not in the way that I previously envisioned. SO, I say "THE YEAR of ADJUSTMENTS" carries on into the summer months.
That's how this mom homeschools!!
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