This morning our routine was thrown out simply because I flipped off a little switch. Since Hubs made his suggestions last week to motivate G, I have been setting my alarm for 730am. For those non-homeschool families -- I know that is sleeping in!!-- But to those of us who have slightly older children and the dubious honor of schooling at home, we're on 'homeschool time.'
Anyway, I went to bed early the night before like I had hoped only to have a little visitor climb into the empty spot next me that is normally filled by Hubs. As Hubs is out of town, G said he was just there to keep me company. In any event, we slept well through the night until around 4am when a nice little tree frog started a moonlight serenade. It was cute at first but then it just became annoying. I had visions of locating said nuisance and conducting my very own science experiment.
G on the other hand, woke momentarily to inquire about the sound but then promptly dozed back off to meet the Sandman and continue their adventures. Me, however was wide awake because of the nauseating sounds of Mr Tree Frog looking for love and by my estimates -- in all the wrong places! Since I was awake I figured it was a good of a time a time as any to take care of some things I had been putting off. You know -- mark some things off my lists!! -- AAAAHHHHHHH!!!
So, I logged onto my PC and updated a few blog posts, researched some stuff for work and sent off needed emails. All this by 6am, at which time Mr. Armor had gone to sleep or crept off into the bushes as he may have felt my ire from the other side of the wall. I made a decision on my way back to bed to flip off the alarm and just wake up on my own, or whenever G got me -- whichever came first.
Ironically, I still woke before G and it was 830am. Glorious Sleep - 830am!! I hadn't slept the day away but we were 1 hour behind schedule for school. Oh well, figured I was this late so I woke G and we snuggled and giggled about our day. We did get out of bed around 845am and proceeded to start our normal routine.
G had speech at 1030am and I am proud to say that he got a lot done in the 1 hour before we had to leave!! Wednesdays are turning out to not be as stressful as they were in the first couple of weeks. I have tweaked our schedule to be a little lighter on Monday and Wednesday due to commitments. But Tuesday and Thursday are pretty heavy with Friday being the make-up, FUN day in which we do the extras and stuff we just didn't get to during the week.
I am glad I took a little extra time to sleep in this morning. It's really better for everyone because I get a little sleep deprived when Hubs is out of town so I needed it and the 'Grouchy Picker' didn't have to visit our house. (More on the 'Grouchy Picker' in another post down the road.)
But spending a little extra time in my PJs cuddled up in my comfy bed was just what I needed. I make a better mommy and teacher when I am not sleep-deprived!!

My ramblings, rants, brags, observations and whatever else I encounter as we embark on our fourth year homeschooling our son. My blog title was inspired by those easy readers of old in the Dick & Jane series. If those books were easy then (maybe) this homeschooling thing won't be so hard either! LOL I'm not sure about my hypothesis! Join me on my journey and we can find out together.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
My little compulsion!
Scheduling and me!! Hmmmm!! What to say? What to say? First, I abhor having to schedule anything including doctor's appointments. I like to go when I want to go and do what I want to do when I want to do it....However, that doesn't work in the real world. During my years in school, I did in fact learn that the world, contrary to my personal inclination, does not revolve around me.
Contrastingly, I do love and NEED to make lists!! I have lists for lists. I am so compulsive about lists that I will complete a task and realize it wasn't on a list. At that moment, I then write it on the list just so I can have the satisfaction of marking it off. Yep-- that's me!! A little compulsive about the weird stuff!
Anyway, as this week as gotten underway I realized why I was glad that we are homeschooling. Lots of extras and issues with my schedule have popped up requiring me to alter the lesson plans I had for this week. As I was marking items off my list today and placing check marks next to what we have been able to accomplish on my lesson plans, I reminded myself that there is no right or wrong time to get this school work done. After all, aren't we doing school by just doing life???
So, on paper hubby's last minute business trip looks like it caused all kinds of issues with my plans but in reality, nothing more than a wrinkle. That's the good thing about making my plans in pencil and only making them one week in advance. I can change on a dime and move stuff, delete stuff and even add stuff on a whim.
My system seems to feed my schedule-phobia!! I like the ability to decide what works and what doesn't. I like that I can decide what will and won't be done and if it doesn't get done, it's not the end of the world. At the end of the day, I can feel good about marking "home school" off my to-do list no matter what actual work we completed!!
That being said, now it's time for a nice hot bath, pjs, fluffy socks and cuddle time with my star pupil!
Contrastingly, I do love and NEED to make lists!! I have lists for lists. I am so compulsive about lists that I will complete a task and realize it wasn't on a list. At that moment, I then write it on the list just so I can have the satisfaction of marking it off. Yep-- that's me!! A little compulsive about the weird stuff!
Anyway, as this week as gotten underway I realized why I was glad that we are homeschooling. Lots of extras and issues with my schedule have popped up requiring me to alter the lesson plans I had for this week. As I was marking items off my list today and placing check marks next to what we have been able to accomplish on my lesson plans, I reminded myself that there is no right or wrong time to get this school work done. After all, aren't we doing school by just doing life???
So, on paper hubby's last minute business trip looks like it caused all kinds of issues with my plans but in reality, nothing more than a wrinkle. That's the good thing about making my plans in pencil and only making them one week in advance. I can change on a dime and move stuff, delete stuff and even add stuff on a whim.
My system seems to feed my schedule-phobia!! I like the ability to decide what works and what doesn't. I like that I can decide what will and won't be done and if it doesn't get done, it's not the end of the world. At the end of the day, I can feel good about marking "home school" off my to-do list no matter what actual work we completed!!
That being said, now it's time for a nice hot bath, pjs, fluffy socks and cuddle time with my star pupil!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Don't Pinch Me!!!
Let me just say that after venting all over yesterday's post, boo-hoo'ing with Hubby last night and all the words of encouragement I received from many of you - I feel soooooo much better.
Hubby help me put things into perspective and told me I had his support no matter what avenue I choose in regards to educating G! That being said, he shared with me tactics that may motivate G a little more. Normally, I would be offended that he stepped in and tried to "fix" things but seeing as how G and Hubs have the same learning style, I figured I should listen. Hubs went on to tell me that G needed more structure than I am giving him. He suggested that we give up our standard school uniform and get dressed and make school more "official." He said that structure would be able to let G differentiate between play and school. At times, it is okay to smudge the lines in between the two but for now, we have to get a pattern established with the basics.
He also suggested that I give G a time limit for his activities and when the time is up, explain that the work must be done tomorrow or on his own time. Bottom line, all work needs to be completed before any play time the next day. Since we like to do a 4 day school week, any carry-over work would need to be completed on Friday and so on.
Motivation- Motivation- Motivation was his mantra!! G loves words of encouragement but he needs a bigger carrot to chase. Thus, now his school work and behavior will be tied to his screen time on the computer, video games and/or TV. We want him to understand these things are privileges and not "rights." No kid ever died from no TV, video games or computer! A good day = time and bad day = no time for a number of days!
Hubs handed down the new rules this morning in a very gentle way to G. I must say that the day was MUCH BETTER!!! G had a speech appointment at 1030am but he was able to get half of his work completed before he left! While he was at Speech, he met all his goals and then some!! He said to me as we were walking to the car that he really liked today because "I am applying myself." Once we got home, he ate lunch and we were able to finish the last part of our school work!
I could pinch myself but I am afraid I might wake up -- but he didn't whine or complain about his work today. When we were done, he told me that he liked it better that he just got it done instead of wasting time. Cue the chorus of angels!!!
As an aside, the resident Principal did park himself and his laptop near our school area before we left for speech in order to observe! I am thinking this may have contributed some but I am really giving all the credit for G for putting forth his best effort!
Thanks for the prayers!! Thanks for allowing me to vent!!
I am little sad about the no PJ day but oh well - it's a small price to pay for the Big Smile on my face today!!
Hubby help me put things into perspective and told me I had his support no matter what avenue I choose in regards to educating G! That being said, he shared with me tactics that may motivate G a little more. Normally, I would be offended that he stepped in and tried to "fix" things but seeing as how G and Hubs have the same learning style, I figured I should listen. Hubs went on to tell me that G needed more structure than I am giving him. He suggested that we give up our standard school uniform and get dressed and make school more "official." He said that structure would be able to let G differentiate between play and school. At times, it is okay to smudge the lines in between the two but for now, we have to get a pattern established with the basics.
He also suggested that I give G a time limit for his activities and when the time is up, explain that the work must be done tomorrow or on his own time. Bottom line, all work needs to be completed before any play time the next day. Since we like to do a 4 day school week, any carry-over work would need to be completed on Friday and so on.
Motivation- Motivation- Motivation was his mantra!! G loves words of encouragement but he needs a bigger carrot to chase. Thus, now his school work and behavior will be tied to his screen time on the computer, video games and/or TV. We want him to understand these things are privileges and not "rights." No kid ever died from no TV, video games or computer! A good day = time and bad day = no time for a number of days!
Hubs handed down the new rules this morning in a very gentle way to G. I must say that the day was MUCH BETTER!!! G had a speech appointment at 1030am but he was able to get half of his work completed before he left! While he was at Speech, he met all his goals and then some!! He said to me as we were walking to the car that he really liked today because "I am applying myself." Once we got home, he ate lunch and we were able to finish the last part of our school work!
I could pinch myself but I am afraid I might wake up -- but he didn't whine or complain about his work today. When we were done, he told me that he liked it better that he just got it done instead of wasting time. Cue the chorus of angels!!!
As an aside, the resident Principal did park himself and his laptop near our school area before we left for speech in order to observe! I am thinking this may have contributed some but I am really giving all the credit for G for putting forth his best effort!
Thanks for the prayers!! Thanks for allowing me to vent!!
I am little sad about the no PJ day but oh well - it's a small price to pay for the Big Smile on my face today!!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Seriously - Rough Week!!!
To be honest, our 4th week of school is underway and I have caught myself looking longingly out the window when I hear the school bus pull up at the corner of the street. That is my attitude this week. I have been reflecting on my whole decision to homeschool along with trying to decide if I am doing G more harm than good.
It's been a hard week (yes, it's only Tuesday night). G seems to push back or balk at everything I ask him to do (even the stuff he likes to do). I feel like I am spinning my wheels and I feel extremely frustrated. Not helping the cause is when I catch myself looking at the photos and status updates on Facebook posted by those happy-go-lucky mommies with kids in school that are going to Bible studies, having breakfast/lunch with friends and getting a much coveted pedi-cure.
Hubby (aka the Principal) happened to overhear one of the school interactions between G and me yesterday. Hubs waited to talk with me later in day and he commented that he could tell I was frustrated with G. I told him that I was just overwhelmed and didn't know how to handle all the push back and whining about school work. This very day, "Principal" happened to be in the school room (aka dining room table) and he saw how G was acting. He looked at me and all I said was, "now you know why I am frustrated."
Honestly, I am feeling overwhelmed and frustrated with the entire process. G spent two years in public school and I am sorely tempted to take him back, except for the fact that I don't think he would benefit from the experience. I fear he would be labeled, spend too much time in the office and/or fall behind because of his lack of motivation.
I began to reflect tonight while I was in the shower. I thought about how G acts in general even when school isn't involved. I realized that the last couple of months (even before school work began) he has been pushing back on everything. The push back has been even more severe when he doesn't get his way.
I reminded myself that I am a person who loves learning and reading that is trying to teach a kid that could care less about anything not related to video games, computers, Star Wars or swimming. I have talked with several other people lately who have commented that they too have children who feel that they "know it all"and no longer need anyone else to give them direction or explanations. These kiddos are not teens -- they are between 8 and 10 years old. So, maybe it's a phase!! LORD- I hope so.
Hubs and I have decided to take away the things that are dearest to G when the push back and attitude rear their ugly heads. We feel that we must stop the behavior by acting now. By my giving up on homeschooling, it gives him too much power. Besides, I brought my son home to have more influence on him and to have more time as a family.
To date, G has no TV or electronics for the next 2 days. The benefit has began already because as a result he and the Principal have been reading books to each other since dinner. So, he is learning and reading after all!! Plus, Hubs is in the mix and helping take some of the pressure off me.
I have learned that I need to evaluate our entire dynamic and not just focus on the school portion. By stepping back and looking at our family, I was able to see that it wasn't just the school work, it's the attitude and strong will of a very normal 8 year old boy. I also learned that I need to ask for help from Hubs and not let myself get so frustrated and get to the point where I start letting those voices of self-doubt get a foot hold in my head.
It's been a rough week and I am hoping it gets better. I am praying G and I can meet on better terms in the morning. I pray that my heart and attitude are guarded against negativity. I also pray that G will be motivated to do as we ask without push back and that he is blessed by our time together.
I may need to go out for some "me" time and pick up some new PJs!!
It's been a hard week (yes, it's only Tuesday night). G seems to push back or balk at everything I ask him to do (even the stuff he likes to do). I feel like I am spinning my wheels and I feel extremely frustrated. Not helping the cause is when I catch myself looking at the photos and status updates on Facebook posted by those happy-go-lucky mommies with kids in school that are going to Bible studies, having breakfast/lunch with friends and getting a much coveted pedi-cure.
Hubby (aka the Principal) happened to overhear one of the school interactions between G and me yesterday. Hubs waited to talk with me later in day and he commented that he could tell I was frustrated with G. I told him that I was just overwhelmed and didn't know how to handle all the push back and whining about school work. This very day, "Principal" happened to be in the school room (aka dining room table) and he saw how G was acting. He looked at me and all I said was, "now you know why I am frustrated."
Honestly, I am feeling overwhelmed and frustrated with the entire process. G spent two years in public school and I am sorely tempted to take him back, except for the fact that I don't think he would benefit from the experience. I fear he would be labeled, spend too much time in the office and/or fall behind because of his lack of motivation.
I began to reflect tonight while I was in the shower. I thought about how G acts in general even when school isn't involved. I realized that the last couple of months (even before school work began) he has been pushing back on everything. The push back has been even more severe when he doesn't get his way.
I reminded myself that I am a person who loves learning and reading that is trying to teach a kid that could care less about anything not related to video games, computers, Star Wars or swimming. I have talked with several other people lately who have commented that they too have children who feel that they "know it all"and no longer need anyone else to give them direction or explanations. These kiddos are not teens -- they are between 8 and 10 years old. So, maybe it's a phase!! LORD- I hope so.
Hubs and I have decided to take away the things that are dearest to G when the push back and attitude rear their ugly heads. We feel that we must stop the behavior by acting now. By my giving up on homeschooling, it gives him too much power. Besides, I brought my son home to have more influence on him and to have more time as a family.
To date, G has no TV or electronics for the next 2 days. The benefit has began already because as a result he and the Principal have been reading books to each other since dinner. So, he is learning and reading after all!! Plus, Hubs is in the mix and helping take some of the pressure off me.
I have learned that I need to evaluate our entire dynamic and not just focus on the school portion. By stepping back and looking at our family, I was able to see that it wasn't just the school work, it's the attitude and strong will of a very normal 8 year old boy. I also learned that I need to ask for help from Hubs and not let myself get so frustrated and get to the point where I start letting those voices of self-doubt get a foot hold in my head.
It's been a rough week and I am hoping it gets better. I am praying G and I can meet on better terms in the morning. I pray that my heart and attitude are guarded against negativity. I also pray that G will be motivated to do as we ask without push back and that he is blessed by our time together.
I may need to go out for some "me" time and pick up some new PJs!!
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