The day started out much better due to the fact that I got some sleep and partnered that nicely with my French Vanilla K-Cup.
Kiddo worked very hard today and it was a lot easier today as many of the items were to complete things we started yesterday. Now, once I work on my lesson plans for the coming weeks, I will know NOT to include certain things as a starting lesson. For instance, NO starting a new IEW lesson (video) on the same day we start a new unit in My Father's World, along with science homework from the STEM class that we missed due to vacation. LESSON LEARNED!
I am finding myself already glossing over some things - for instance this week at the start of MFW Creation to the Greeks, we are supposed to do an actual Jewish Sabbath celebration. I can tell you that isn't going to happen this week because first, I am unprepared! Second, I just can't wrap my head around all that it entails. Thirdly, I don't want to do it half-way, I would like the family to experience the process the right way and give it the reverence and attention it deserves.
So, I am using my executive powers and moving it to another week down the road. I am going to check the family calendar to make sure we an actual Friday and Saturday we can do this properly. If not, then we will do the "major" things in the celebration.
Currently, he and I are talking about the various aspects of the celebration in the lesson and we are even making a list of the items we need in order to do this in our non-Jewish household. The way I see it is that I will make a lesson by taking my kiddo to the store to purchase the various items needed. The beauty of homeschool is that we can adapt and adjust!! At least that's how this momma homeschools!

My ramblings, rants, brags, observations and whatever else I encounter as we embark on our fourth year homeschooling our son. My blog title was inspired by those easy readers of old in the Dick & Jane series. If those books were easy then (maybe) this homeschooling thing won't be so hard either! LOL I'm not sure about my hypothesis! Join me on my journey and we can find out together.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Monday, August 26, 2013
We survived our first day!
We made it! We did it!! Self-back-pats all around!!! The official first day of our 4th grade homeschool year is behind us!! My kiddo and I made it through unscathed but slightly scared!! I didn't realize how much work we have to cover this year!!
A couple of weeks ago, I made the lesson plans for the first couple of weeks and boy did I overbook us. I must admit, it could be part attitude and timing that makes me feel shell-shocked today! We just returned late Saturday night from a Caribbean vacation where we completely unplugged. In my effort to get ahead, I did not factor in my sluggish attitude when I enthusiastically scheduled our first weeks of schooling. Ironically, it was more my attitude than my kiddo. He said several times throughout the day, how much he was liking it. Not sure if that was a caffeine-deprived hallucination that I was suffering or if he really liked it.
As I reflect back on our day, I must give him credit that he kept a great attitude, he really did seem to be enjoying most of what we did and he adapted well to the our new curriculum choices for the year. The lesson I learned today is this -- don't allow yourself to come back from vacation and be out of French Vanilla Cappuccino K-cups!! It's made for a rough day for me! The kiddo on the other hand is giving today a "thumbs up."
Planning for a better day tomorrow with caffeine and all! (And no I didn't write that in my planner - but maybe I should!!!) Dinner is in the crock pot, the laundry from 8 days of paradise is washing and drying and I think it's time I made a run to the store to pick up that much needed caffeine for tomorrow's lessons. At least, that's how this momma is going to make it through homeschool tomorrow!!
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Almost ready
I find myself getting really excited with the new school year. I have friends that have already started back this year. I love seeing the pictures and reading Facebook posts about their adventures. We are starting a little late as we have a weeklong vacation approaching and we didn't want to conflict with our flow. So, we decided to start the end of the month once we return from a week of relaxing and family bonding.
I sat down a couple of nights ago and finally planned out the first couple weeks of learning. I only planned that far for a couple of reasons. First, I typically only plan a couple of weeks out so as not put pressure on myself and allow a little wiggle room. Second, I am a little compulsive and abhor eraser marks in my planner - lol. So, by planning shorter periods of time, I have less erasing and less of a chance of me having to rewrite the entire thing. Seriously, I NEED HELP - lol! Finally, we are using new curriculum this year and to be honest, not sure how they will work time-wise. This will allow me a couple of weeks to determine how our daily flow will go and when and where I need to tweak our workload.
I feel much better now that I have my planning done. The last of our curriculum arrived in the mail today. I have stocked up on school supplies while they are cheap - whether we need them or not!! My planner is ready to go, along with all calendar dates marked with our classes and confirmed field trips.
So, freeing for me.
This year we are using the following curriculum. It is subject to change just as it did last year, but that's the freedom of doing what we do! LOVE IT!
I sat down a couple of nights ago and finally planned out the first couple weeks of learning. I only planned that far for a couple of reasons. First, I typically only plan a couple of weeks out so as not put pressure on myself and allow a little wiggle room. Second, I am a little compulsive and abhor eraser marks in my planner - lol. So, by planning shorter periods of time, I have less erasing and less of a chance of me having to rewrite the entire thing. Seriously, I NEED HELP - lol! Finally, we are using new curriculum this year and to be honest, not sure how they will work time-wise. This will allow me a couple of weeks to determine how our daily flow will go and when and where I need to tweak our workload.
I feel much better now that I have my planning done. The last of our curriculum arrived in the mail today. I have stocked up on school supplies while they are cheap - whether we need them or not!! My planner is ready to go, along with all calendar dates marked with our classes and confirmed field trips.
So, freeing for me.
This year we are using the following curriculum. It is subject to change just as it did last year, but that's the freedom of doing what we do! LOVE IT!
- My Father's World - Creation to the Greeks (Bible, History, Geography, light Science)
- Math U See - Math (new to us this year)
- IEW - Writing (new to us this year)
- Fix It Grammar - Grammar (new to us this year)
- Phonetic Zoo - Spelling (new to us this year)
- STEM class (one day per week) - Science
- Awana - (additional Bible)
- Home Art Studio - Art
- Rosetta Stone- Spanish (this we will start a little later once we get the flow of IEW & MUS in our schedule)
- Handwriting without Tears - Cursive -- going to work through this pretty quick and then incorporate the techniques with our writing and project assignments
- Computer Programming and Robotics Class (1x per week each) - one of kiddo's favorites!!
Looks like a lot but, most of it works well together or so far that's the way it appears. Looking forward to putting all this to use and see if my planning skills are on target. If not, then that's okay!! Flexibility is the key to how this momma homeschools.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Why we Homeschool
I can't believe the summer flew by like it did!! We were so busy and I must confess that we didn't even get to close to my idealistic summer plans of "light schooling." Kiddo, for the most part, completed his required daily 20 minutes of reading and did his 15 minutes on, but we did little else. But that's all water under the proverbial bridge and we are fired up and ready to go.
I say, "WE" because my kiddo is excited to move into the 4th grade. A week and half ago, I pulled out our brand new Math U See, which is new to us this year. Kiddo watched the first video in which Steve Demme tells the students they should be proficient in the prior steps before moving on. I was very proud of my son when he said, "Mom, not sure I am ready for this as you and I both know, I don't know the other stuff really well." Proud moment but then I scrambled and ordered the next level down with the reminder to my son that he would be moving on to the current math level in no time.
That's one of the things, I love about homeschooling is that there is no pressure to be like everyone else or to be on the same level as everyone else. I love the diversity in approaches and curriculum choices. What I once deemed as overwhelming had become comforting in the variety of choice. I don't feel "stuck" if something isn't working. I am becoming one of those homeschool moms that has a closet or box of curriculum that didn't work for us, but am happy to say, we have found some that work really well.
My goal is to keep my kiddo motivated, encouraged and confident in the work that he does. He likes the idea of being in 4th grade, but I think he really likes the reality that he is right where he needs to be in regards to his education progress. Gone are those days where he feels inadequate because some kids are "getting it" while he struggles. Gone are those days in which he feels insecure because he has questions and is too afraid to raise his hand. He's in a safe environment in which he can be himself and learn in his own way! Bringing him home from institutionalized education is helping him blossom and grow! He is free to raise his own bar and does so exceptionally well!!
That is one of the main reasons why this momma homeschools.
I say, "WE" because my kiddo is excited to move into the 4th grade. A week and half ago, I pulled out our brand new Math U See, which is new to us this year. Kiddo watched the first video in which Steve Demme tells the students they should be proficient in the prior steps before moving on. I was very proud of my son when he said, "Mom, not sure I am ready for this as you and I both know, I don't know the other stuff really well." Proud moment but then I scrambled and ordered the next level down with the reminder to my son that he would be moving on to the current math level in no time.
That's one of the things, I love about homeschooling is that there is no pressure to be like everyone else or to be on the same level as everyone else. I love the diversity in approaches and curriculum choices. What I once deemed as overwhelming had become comforting in the variety of choice. I don't feel "stuck" if something isn't working. I am becoming one of those homeschool moms that has a closet or box of curriculum that didn't work for us, but am happy to say, we have found some that work really well.
My goal is to keep my kiddo motivated, encouraged and confident in the work that he does. He likes the idea of being in 4th grade, but I think he really likes the reality that he is right where he needs to be in regards to his education progress. Gone are those days where he feels inadequate because some kids are "getting it" while he struggles. Gone are those days in which he feels insecure because he has questions and is too afraid to raise his hand. He's in a safe environment in which he can be himself and learn in his own way! Bringing him home from institutionalized education is helping him blossom and grow! He is free to raise his own bar and does so exceptionally well!!
That is one of the main reasons why this momma homeschools.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Why Join a Homeschool Group
I am now heading into my third year on this homeschool adventure. In many ways, I still feel ill-equipped and quite wobbly with the sea legs of a novice homeschooler but, in other ways, I am pretty seasoned. Not sure exactly when it happened, but I now find myself with the tables turned answering questions from new and prospective homeschool families. I will be the first to admit, that I don't know everything and believe me I still do my share of asking ALOT of questions. Let's face it, this homeschool process is different for all of us and as each year comes, new questions and situations plague us.
Lately, I have been asked by several people about if and why should they join a homeschool group. I guess for me, joining a homeschool group was a non-issue. Let me start with a little back story.
My kiddo went to public school for two years (and even a short three week stint in a charter school). Conversely, his best friend has never entered the hallowed halls of institutionalized education. He and his family belonged to a local homeschool group that met at a local park as my kiddo was getting out of school. As a result, our calendar was consistently booked on Thursdays from 230p-430p to meet with his friend and the 50+ homeschool children at the park. So, for two years I listened to these mommies talk about homeschool and I sat back with that "I could never do that" and "good for you - but not for me" attitude, all the while being accepted by the group as an honorary member of the homeschool group. Shhhhh - don't tell -- but I actually pulled my kiddo out of school to attend a few field trips with his friend as part of the group. Therefore, when I made the plunge to start homeschooling when my son was entering 2nd grade, it was a no-brainer and relative non-issue that I join this homeschool group. After all, I had already been grafted-in with my two-year non-paying attendance. LOL.
The following year, I joined a second and third, while still belonging to the first. You may ask - "Why join? and Why join more than one? Great questions!! I have learned that just as no two homeschool families are alike, no two homeschool groups are alike. They each offer something different and give my family a chance to experience more and grow in our homeschool experience.
Over the years, the groups have offered me support, encouragement and friendship. In my estimation, this is something that homeschool parents need more than anything. Many of my friends and family didn't understand why I had decided to homeschool so, it was nice to be with like-minded people that helped me navigate those early days of my journey and still come alongside to shore me up when I need it. Vice versa - it's reciprocal - -I give now too and for me, there is something liberating and freeing about feeling needed and valued, in essence to be a part of something.
As I mentioned above, I belong to three groups in my area. The first, is what I refer to as my "social" group. It's the one that has a weekly meeting day and time at the local park where I can converse with my homeschool friends and my son can run with wild abandon and get lost in the land of light saber wars with his friends. This group also does parties - so he doesn't miss out on the celebrations. We have a welcome back to school party, a Christmas party, Valentine's Day party complete with exchange, Easter party and year end party! My kiddo was used those in the school environment so he loves to still be able to do these things. This group also does a lot of field trips!
The second group I belong to, I initially joined because that was where the organized sports were located. In the past couple of years, it has grown to be more social and offers field trips - thus diversifying the offerings I can choose from during our school year. We are blessed that this group has an actual building in which we can meet and offer classes to our kids. So, the kids get a chance to attend structured classes ranging from the basics of the 3 R's up to fencing/drama/chess/ and many other extracurricular opportunities.
The third group I belong to is through a local church and it is truly support only. We get together on occasion but it is more of forum to ask questions, share, give direction and support one another.
Homeschool groups vary in size and offerings. Many have a formal membership process and collect dues. My first 2 groups, have a year book and year end promotion ceremonies too. I will tell you that even without all the offerings of the groups, I have met some very genuine people who believe in educating their children, really care for another and share a sense of community. In these groups, I have found that we come alongside one another with losses of jobs, deaths, sickness, meals, childcare, and wonderful prayer partners. It's a sense of family and instant community.
Homeschooling can be as rigorous and frustrating, as it is rewarding and motivating! The answer to the question as to should they join, the answer is like all related to homeschooling - it really depends on what you want to do and how it works for your family. Personally, I am not sure I could have made it this far without the homeschool groups in my area. But that's just me and this is how this momma homeschools!
Check out the FPEA website under Find Your District to locate a homeschool group near you.
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