I must admit that my kiddo has been pretty good about school lately and we have had the opportunity to pepper in some field trips to keep things interesting (and to get us out of the house). The problem lately is that my enthusiasm that I was so infused with in August has waned considerably. I have found myself not really wanting to "do" school but yet want to mark off the many non-homeschool items I have relegated to my "to do someday" list.
I find myself being more lax in what we cover and giving the literal shoulder shrug along with "eh" if we don't get to everything on my lesson plan. To compensate, I make sure my plans are made in pencil that way I can move the item to another day or erase it as if it never existed! Oh the little things that make me happy!
I really do like My Father's World as our curriculum choice and I like the latitude of being able to pick and choose from the core what I want to cover and when. Shhhhhh! Don't tell anyone but, sometimes their prescribed one week lesson plan has taken G and me 2 weeks!! You know what??? It's okay!! The ground didn't open up and swallow me whole and no one knocked at my door to chastise me for not completing the map game assignment.
Now this latent attitude has not affected any work that G can do on his own, such as his spelling, reading and math. It is just the areas in which I need to be very involved. But guess what, he is moving forward in math and even doing extra lessons because his old mom's lazy attitude with stretching stuff out has freed up his time. I won't argue with progress!!
The library is helping too as on those days that I feel "eh" -- I pull out a topical book related to the study on my lesson plan and we read that together. On those days, I am in "to-do list" mode, topical DVDs are great too!! I am finding that when we do get to the actual lesson plan, we have already covered most of it and no one is any the wiser that I took a different direction.
The subsequent result is one of the many benefits of homeschooling. We get to make it up as we go along and we learn all the way down our rabbit trail!! As for me and my house, we wouldn't have it any other way!